Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God, and his son Stephen Flurry, vice-president of the Philadelphia Church of God, are HYPOCRITES! Their own words condemn them, that they use against FOX 25 (regarding their special report on the PCG), when they turn right around and engage in the same character assassination, strong innuendo, half-truths, and yellow journalism at it worst, against me, David Ben-Ariel, their public enemy #1!
Why have hypocrites Gerald and Stephen Flurry targeted me?
1) Because I wrote Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall without their approval and exposed how they contradicted their own teachings about being enamored with "men of stature" - by demanding I must be a minister to write Beyond Babylon and
2) because I blast the failure of the PCG to get out the warning message to the entire world and become a household word, instead of squandering precious tithe monies in their own backyard, their local neighborhood, of Edmond, Oklahoma.
Gerald and Stephen Flurry, hypocrites, are leaders of a professing Christian organization and yet have no fear of God or shame in being bald-faced LIARS. Don't they know that liars will not inherit the Kingdom of God? As professing Christian ministers, don't they know that one of the top ten commandments is against bearing false witness? It's that serious! It is one thing to be mistaken, but another to continue the deception, as they've done.
I call upon Gerald and Stephen Flurry to REPENT of their lies and hypocrisy and lack of good stewardship, and wholeheartedly hope and pray they come to recognize my God-given constructive criticism of the Philadelphia Church of God and leaders isn't to be scorned, hated or despised, but appreciated and respected (Proverbs 27:6). As Paul questioned, "Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" (Galatians 4:16).
Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God
Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization!
Is Gerald Flurry a False Prophet?
Star Witness testifies against Gerald Flurry
Edward Abington, Jr.'s State Department letter
Monday, December 29, 2008
Black Hole
- Ron Paul
WE ARE BROKE and have been for years! With Obama, that fraud and foreigner occupying the White House, a Black African Marxist, this isn't going to be BAD BUSINESS as usual, it's going to see the United States go from a first class country to a Third World nightmare, exploited by the German-EU (destined to deal us the death blow). The government will collapse, with our economy, and like a black hole, suck everything into it.
Consider this
For the record: Some might misunderstand that just because I used the term "WE" in one of the FOX 25 segments on the Philadelphia Church of God (and I often employ it in articles about the Church of God), that somehow I am saying I'm a part of the PCG or whatever organization I'm writing or talking about at the time.
However, when I use the "Royal We," it is in reference to the collective Sabbath-keeping Church of God that agrees on the biblical basics, like the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the Kingdom of God-Beings to rule Earth from Jerusalem!), the seventh day Sabbath, the holy festivals and dietary laws, as well as gladly recognizing British-Israelites as Joseph.
Others might question how I can feel led by Christ against an organization they believe He also heads. I am led by Christ to expose error and encourage repentance: both in the Church and Nation. Didn't Christ head the Worldwide Church of God? Didn't He direct it? Does that mean the leaders must always follow His lead? Or in all things? If Christ truly led the PCG (and I believe He leads but Flurry doesn't always follow), they would agree what I say is biblical and stop wasting money in Edmond, Oklahoma. Tithes are not meant for a performing Arts Center! At least Mr. Armstrong had a special building fund that I used to gladly contribute to so we could pay off Ambassador Auditorium.
Didn't Yeshua say, "we Jews" when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well? Did that mean He agreed with everything the Jews believed or the Pharisees taught? Didn't Yeshua rebuke their errors, even as He rebukes the errors of the Church of God in different eras? How does He do that but through men? Didn't He head those churches He inspired constructive criticism of?
Did John the Baptist or Jesus, or Peter, James and John, as well as Paul, oppose the religious authorities' position or their idolatrous traditions and hypocrisy, decrying their proud and stubborn refusal to repent, while still considering themselves strictly Jewish? They continued to identify with the Jewish people and religion: Paul continued to refer to himself as a Pharisee spiritually (Acts 23:6), and Peter made racial reference to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers..." and called the Jews "brothers" and stressed how salvation was to begin with Jews first (Acts 3:12, 17, 26).
I do offer constructive criticism of the PCG, and others, and I believe God has inspired Beyond Babylon. The PCG never said it contradicts Scripture but wouldn't give it a proper hearing due to politics at play. Beyond Babylon's biblical truths are inspired and inspiring, although it's not a "thus saith the Lord" book, as there is no book on Earth other than the Bible that can honestly claim that. Unlike Gerald Flurry, I've never claimed an angel gave it to me, as he strangely claimed about Malachi's Message.
By the grace of God, I know who I am and what I am doing, and it is in accordance with the Word and Will of God. Whether within individual lives or the lives of leaders of organizations, just because God directs doesn't mean folks will always follow in every aspect. I believe Flurry follows in some ways and fails to in other ways. That's why God raises up individuals throughout history to take His Work to task - whether it's the priesthood, the religious authorities or the Church of God leadership today. Nothing new under the sun.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
40. To: eleveneleven (#37)
All of your postings are attempts to promote your book and your name.
Have you never read of "the sword of the LORD and of Gideon"? (Judges 7:18). I'm sure he had his detractors on the sidelines too, who refused to focus on the message, who miserably failed to see how some are a means to an end, and that we direct all attention to the plain truth we dare to share and glorify God: believe it or not.
The shepherd David's attitude was also harshly misjudged, and his motivation cruelly questioned, when he loved and obeyed his father who had sent him to take food to his brethren (1 Samuel 17:17-18, 28-29), but it didn't stop him from doing what he knew God had led him to do; and Yeshua was even falsely accused many times, but stood his holy ground and testified "wisdom is justified of her children", knowing some folks are just never happy with how God chooses to work and don't approve of the "credentials" of those who He sends (Luke 7:35).
David Ben-Ariel
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Germany to crush Jerusalem!
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb:
All the while during my six and a half hours of Israeli interrogation, I clearly warned them that the "peace process" is a trap; that it's about to blow up in their faces, and that a German-led Europe is going to wage a New Crusade to enforce the Vatican's version of peace. Catholic Europe will backstab and betray both the Arabs and the Jews. They'll push for Jerusalem to become "an international city," all under the cover of UN Resolution 181.
I maintained that the only explosives that I'm involved with is the bombshell I've written, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. I continually referred them to it, stating that's where my beliefs are on public record. (Later I gave them a computer disk with my book on it to assist their investigation). I told them I know that Israel won't take G-d's warning seriously, any more than those Jews who spurned Jabotinsky's efforts to save them from Hitler. (Ze'ev Jabotinksy warned the Jews of Hitler's fury but they thought he was just crying wolf). Nevertheless, the Almighty will intervene and save us after our worst time of suffering, if we so insist, and every survivor in Jerusalem will be holy.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Atlantic Times's fails to address German issue
Congratulations to The Atlantic Times on its first-anniversary issue!
As reported by "This week in Germany," the English-language paper was launched "to stop the drifting apart of Europe and America, and especially Germany and America … and to build on common ground while learning to live with our differences," said the paper's executive editor, the renowned journalist Theo Sommer...the paper has featured scores of articles by prominent leaders and experienced journalists from both sides of the Atlantic..."Our basic message, in print and online, has been, and will be: We are still friends, and we must remain friends," said Sommer. "So let us not confront each other with swollen necks, but let us reason together."
Noble aims that are praiseworthy indeed! Mr. Theo Sommer is definitely to be commended for his efforts. However, based upon the stark testimony of the two witnesses of history and the Bible, Germany and the United States are going to continue to have some very serious disagreements that will ultimately destroy our friendship, alienate our countries and find Germany leading the European Union in a blitzkrieg nuclear attack against the United States!
Before that horrifying "Time of Jacob's Trouble," "the Great Tribulation," the British-Israelites will trust the Assyrian-Germans with their security! Our Anglo-Saxon-Celtic fools will increasingly rely on blind alliances with Germany and Europe that will be broken to pieces like so much shattered crystal!
Hosea 7:11
Ephraim (Anglo-Saxons) also is like a silly dove, without sense— They call to Egypt, They go to Assyria (Germany).
Herbert W. Armstrong, chancellor of Ambassador College and founder of the Worldwide Church of God and editor-in-chief of The Plain Truth magazine and broadcaster of The World Tomorrow radio and television program, warned the world for years that a European combine, driven by Germany, would thresh the nations. He dared to make such bold proclamations when Germany was in rubble after WWII and divided.
Germany is destined to lead the European Union against the American, British and Jewish peoples, a divine instrument to punish us for our intolerable sins that rise up against Heaven (not that they're without sin):
Isaiah 10:5-8
5 Woe to Assyria (Germany), the rod of My anger
And the staff in whose hand is My indignation.
6 I will send him against an ungodly nation (the Anglo-Saxon-Celtics and Jews),
And against the people of My wrath
I will give him charge,
To seize the spoil, to take the prey,
And to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
7 Yet he does not mean so,
Nor does his heart think so;
But it is in his heart to destroy,
And cut off not a few nations.
It is not in Germany's mind today, or its present peaceful people, to wage war against us, but that will all change overnight, after a head-on collision with the Islamic leader of a confederation of Muslim states, their mahdi, whetting Europe's appetite for more blood and morphing the EU into THE BEAST. They will destroy all Muslim opposition with a vengeance.
Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world: the German-Assyrians will strike again!
The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?
David Ben-Ariel vs. Daryle Jenkins
This indicative email exchange explains what I'm talking about. It was between Daryle Lamont Jenkins, of One Peoples Project, and myself, David Ben-Ariel, author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.
Hatred, discrimination, racism - against whites
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Free speech, David Ben-Ariel, Christmas, New Year, and Iraq
Free speech, David Ben-Ariel, Christmas, New Year, and Iraq
One of the features highlighted by the current debate about free speech (cartoons et al) is that the principle allows people to say a lot of things that you may not agree with. And if you're uncomfortable about that, then I fear that the only advice I can offer is, Get used to it. Or, better yet, make use of the now-numerous opportunities to put forward your own two pennorth.
It is in that spirit that I offer a connection to a writer whose views I by no means share, but who illustrates rather nicely what can be done through the internet and by the use of such companies as PublishAmerica.
David Ben-Ariel is a 46-year-old with extremely strong views on religion, and he uses various blogs and books to express his views in forcible terms. You might start, for instance, by looking at his eponymous blog, David Ben-Ariel, on which he plugs his book Beyond Babylon. This is a book that you can read online if you wish. There are also links to countless other articles and blogs.
David also has a blog called Christmas is an Abomination. (I agree with that bit, by the way.) He provides considerable evidence to make the point (which was grumpily referred to here in 2004) that, whatever else it may be, 25 December is certainly not the day when Jesus Christ was born. David quotes a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon, preached on 24 December 1871, in which the Rev. declares that 'if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Savior was born, it is the 25th of December.'
Neither does the New Year celebration meet with David's approval. It is, he declares, a pagan abomination in which the Devil takes a delight. Wrong time of year entirely.I could go on. If you are puzzled by the war In Iraq and the mysteries of the Middle East, then David's links will prove useful, because without too much trouble you can find a book written by 18-year-old Ryan Mauro, Death to America -- the Unreported Battle of Iraq. In this book, the 'secret agendas of Europe, Russia, and all the world's powers' are explained by 'one of the nation's youngest geopolitical analysts.'Such is the power of ideas, which can now be made readily available for the enlightenment of all through the digital media at our disposal.
Good luck, kids.
Posted by Michael Allen at 8:58 AM
David Ben-Ariel was born in Bowling Green
Toledo City Paper, December 7, 2005 by Aaron Shapiro
"Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall"
Author: David Ben-Ariel
David Ben-Ariel was born in Bowling Green and currently lives in Toledo. His focus is not local however, as he tends to divert his energies to writing about World War III and the coming nuclear holocaust. Ben-Ariel subscribes to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong the founder of the Worldwide Church of God and as a result Ben Ariel uses his writings to warn of our impending doom.
Phased Destruction
John McCaslin
Washington, D.C.
The Washington Times
Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin
'Phased destruction'
American author David Ben-Ariel tells this column that he will soon release "Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall," describing the book as "staunchly pro-Israel/ American." As a result, he predicts, the book's subject matter "will become a national debate and an international controversy." Not surprising. Mr. Ben-Ariel of late has referred to the "mindless mantra that mesmerizes fools for peace at any price and rings hollow because the Jews are going again, slowly but surely, through the lying peace process of phased destruction." "The only ones (thank God for the precious few) who are making any fuss about it, dragging their heels rather than go like sheep to the slaughter, are roundly condemned by their own leaders and American administrations and worthless world opinion as 'enemies of peace,' 'obstacles to peace,' and other name brands because they don't want to 'rest in peace' but live and prosper."

Church of God, New World Ministries
I've only heard of this Church of God this year. Have you? You may be interested in the following I've taken from their website:
Request From Us...
Church of God, New World Ministries
Free Study Materials
A Prayer List Addition
Contact by E-mail or Telephone
Letters From The President
This section of the web site contains the contents of the monthly message from the president to the church membership
November 2008
October 2008
August 2008
This section of the web site has all the inside information on what’s happening at COGNWM.
Local Church Web Sites
Local Church Contacts
Ministry Speaking Schedules
Who We Are
This section of the web site describes the fundamental beliefs on which the church is based. more...
What’s New
Updated End Time News
Added the new article “What Does God Say About Clean And Unclean Meats?” to the Article pages of the site
Added a new request to the Prayer List page of the site
Added a new request to the Prayer List page of the site
Listen to the most recent sermon
COGNWM correspondence course
Online and printable articles
Release Ramos and Compean: FedEx President Bush!
From WorldNetDaily:
FedEx President Bush
The clock is ticking on the effort to free Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who are serving sentences of 11 and 12 years respectively for the shooting of an illegal alien drug smuggler in the line of duty.
Monica Ramos embraces her husband, Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos, two days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prisonThe drug smuggler received only minor injuries and was given full immunity from prosecution by the federal prosecutor in return for his testimony against the agents. (Learn more)
President Bush leaves office January 20. Until then, he has absolute power to pardon or commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.
But time is running out.
WND has organized an easy and inexpensive way for you to make your voice heard by President Bush on this matter.
At this busy time of the year, you can help restore the Ramos and Compean families by simply signing on to the following letter to President Bush. It will be sent to him—delivered to the White House by Fed Ex couriers—along with thousands of others. Imagine the message that will send!
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Bush:
I know I speak for millions of other Americans with this letter urging you to pardon or commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean - the two Border Patrol agents currently serving prison terms of 12 and 11 years respectively.
Do this, sir, as a merciful act of compassion.
Offering these two men mercy is not an admission of any wrongdoing on your part or on the part of your Justice Department.
It's just the right thing to do.
This letter is not written to reopen old wounds or renew an argument about who was right and who was wrong. It is written to heal wounds and end the arguments.
You have offered dozens of pardons already as your second term winds down. On Jan. 20, 2009, you will hand over the reins of power to a new president. But before you do that, you have absolute, unquestioned authority to make whole the lives of some hurting people. In addition, you can restore confidence in our judicial system in the minds of many Americans who can't sleep at night as they consider the suffering and anguish being experienced by the Ramos and Compean families.
I urge you to do this because the Ramos and Compean sentences are not proportionate.
I urge you to do this because you have compassion in your heart.
I urge you to do this as a way of bringing healing to our country.
I urge you to do this, most of all, for the sake of the wives and children who are punished as severely as the imprisoned agents because of their continued incarceration.
The clock is ticking.
January 20 is right around the corner.
Please find it in your heart to restore officers Ramos and Compean to their wives and children before you leave office.
Your Name
Your Address
If you send this FedEx yourself, it will cost you about $13. But by joining others in this WND campaign, we can bring the price down to just $7.95 complete—including all shipping and handling charges. In addition, WND pledges to send a portion of the proceeds directly to the Ramos and Compean wives, Monica and Patty...
Click Here to Rush Deliver This Letterto President George W. Bush
If you are unable to see images in the the message above, click here.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Stereotypes refuted
23. To: 22rifle (#15)
David Hoover
AIDS from his fudgepacking activities
You wouldn't even know my former name was David Hoover (it's not like it's some dark, dirty secret to mature minds!) if I hadn't written about it in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem. Do try to get out more often so that those who legally change their names aren't such a shock to your system.
You also wouldn't know I have AIDS if I didn't write about it, but you reveal the difference between night and day: those who learn from information (and are the better for it) and those who abuse what they've been told and turn around and act hateful (that I make reference to within Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS).
Your woeful/willful ignorance is appalling. In your dark mind, you must imagine everybody with HIV or AIDS has the disease due to "fudgepacking activities." You also expose how stereotypical you are about homosexuals. Do all heterosexuals have the same sexual preferences? You need to read and glean from God and the Gays so you can quit embarrassing yourself.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Beyond Babylon: Hard Labor of Love
Re: "Doggerel #89: "I'm Going to Show You... In My Book..."
Beyond Babylon decries the idolatry and immorality, physically and spiritually, of the British-Israelites and Jews - and yes, British-Israelites includes Aussies and Kiwis too! - and compares it to a form of spiritual AIDS, our countries' weakened immune system, our defenses down, inviting attack. (As an aside, I have AIDS now)./
Before Publish America published Beyond Babylon, my friend Carl Brown (fellow Bible believer) and I did everything ourselves from my typing and writing, copying the pages at Kinkos, cutting them, ordering nice covers and then putting it all together, time consuming and expensive, a hard labor of love, which, including postage, brought it to around $6-$7 per book to mail (if I remember correctly and more when mailed overseas), which we did freely to many, as funds were available and donations offered (thank you, to those who blessed us with financial and prayerful assistance), making the most of what we had, doing our best to get the Word out, trusting if we're faithful with the little we had, in God's good time He would increasingly bless us with more and helpers, co-workers.
Before that I simply printed out and mailed out the pages of Beyond Babylon, then someone suggested making it available online when I didn't have a clue about the Internet, but found out quickly and spent around $150 a month using AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe and others, always moving forward, expanding my horizons, reaching out in every way possible, slowly but surely, but never giving up.
Publish America was the first to say yes to BB. Of course I would prefer some big name publisher, with great royalties and advance payment, great publicity and such, but God usually doesn't work that way, does He? After all His Son was born in a barn, in a manger, not the Marriott or Hilton or Sheraton, and Herbert W. Armstrong taught that what God does always starts small and seemingly insignificant.
I was born in Bowling Green, Ohio
Re: Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
I've never lived in Bowling Green
Submitted by David Ben-Ariel on Sun, 2008-12-21 15:01.
It's amazing how some who set themselves up as "experts on David Ben-Ariel" love to indulge in disinformation. Granted, a few are just careless and confused about their "facts" but others are clearly obsessed (and possibly dangerous) like this disturbed person who has started an internet campaign against me: Steps to Ban "David Ben Ariel"
I was born in Bowling Green, Ohio, and donated a copy of Beyond Babylon to the Bowling Green library, but I have never lived there. BG, to their credit, does look like a rather nice place to live.
My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.
Facts are racist? I'm a realist. That's why I wrote, in Black Mark on Toledo that you referenced, "Toledo blacks gave Bill White's best sermon." That's the plain truth. Why deny it? Afraid of being called "racist"? (And where in the world did you get any mention of "racial superiority" in that article? You didn't, as any objective reader could easily conclude).
At least you're correct that I was affiliated with the Philadelphia Church of God, which is why I was on both nights of the FOX 25 Special Report in Oklahoma City about the PCG, leading to Gerald Flurry's outrageous attacks against me in full page newspaper ads, misleading folks to believe that I'm a terrorist, misrepresenting the Temple Mount Faithful as a terrorist organization, to deflect criticism of him as a false prophet - even though this star witness (his words) provided him with overwhelming evidence to the contrary, including a State Department letter.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Mean words about Catholics and Protestants?
Re: The Christian War Against Christmas
Quote from: sntjohnny on December 19, 2008, 01:00:25 AM
Some pretty mean words about Catholics and protestants there.
Are they mean? Was the apostle John being "mean" when he recorded the revelation that made reference to a religious mother and daughters in ugly but true terms?
Paul said, "Have I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?"
It would be mean to whitewash the Babylonian Mystery religion, and cruel to call it "Christianity."
Really, trying to malign the holiday (old 'holy day') because it started out as a celebration of the Christ Mass is a reach.
The "mass of Christ," a Roman Catholic invention, is just fuel on the fire. Regardless of how folks want to play games, they lose if they remain in denial that it's a pagan hollow day that has been "baptized" as Christian, and such vain attempts at modification of pagan holidays to worship the true God are condemned in Scripture.
"One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord..." Romans 14:5
As far as I'm concerned, any kind of pronouncements like these ones about Christians celebrating particular days are completely out of line.
I encourage you to learn to rightly divide the Word of truth, and then you'll see Paul was referring to FAST DAYS, not pagan holidays pretending to be Christian!
You judge yourself and call the wrath of God upon your own head because in spite of clear passages insisting that how a Christian handles 'special days' is up to the discretion of the Christian, you nonetheless condemn them.
Actually, you've condemned yourself by your rash judgment, your failure to properly apply the Scripture. What you have attempted to twist the Scriptures to say is totally inconsistent with the Word of God and confusion, and Satan is the author of confusion. The God of law and order has graciously given us HIS holy days, pure festivals, to observe. Why not celebrate them like Yeshua, the apostles, the early Church of God, and the faithful flock who continue to do so?
Think and pray about it, if you please.
"I'm Spartacus!"
Re: Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
by David Ben-Ariel » Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:17 am
David Ben-Ariel wrote: Here are some of my pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers on site and on various trips to Timna, Eilat, Bet Shean, Ein Gedi and Jerusalem, as well as some links to letters I wrote to an American friend about it all.
Matthew Ellard wrote: David, Shin Bet deported you from Israel in 1995 for your activities with the Temple Mount group. If you want to show 19year old photographs from 1989 of your friends in Israel go to Facebook. This is a scientific skeptic forum and not a holiday snap venue for fundamentalist looneys. People here simply hate you and do not want to see your must be so lonely....
painter wrote: David. I don't hate you and I actually respect you. The only ones who hate you are the one's who haven't been banned because the admins agree with them. Unlike them you are brave enough to post pictures of yourself and your name. All atheists are cowards and these pricks just prove that. Keep up the good work David! p.s. I am not David, but if you watched the movie "Spartacus" consider me one of the ones at the end who says "I'm Spartacus"!
BRAVO! (Although the moderator has called in the dogs when they were barking out of line).
Actually, I knew an atheist in Israel at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, a fellow volunteer named Dirk from Scotland or England, but he wasn't fanatic about the religion of atheism as some sadly appear to be, their misguided missionary zeal to convert others offering some solace to their dead lives, some meaning and purpose to their hollow shells.
Yes, unlike my cowardly critics, I post with my real name and my real picture, because I'm a real man who stands up for what he believes in and doesn't hide.
I think I'll post this on a couple blogs...
THANKS for your inspiration.
SwampBubbles is a user centered site dedicated to breaking news and political discussion of Toledo and Northwest Ohio. It is a fast moving, interactive and user centered Web site where you control the content. Post your news or political item, press release, write your own editorials, post your own observation, create your own polls, and allow the rest of the community to comment on it. Post it here and see if it will ignite. Stop back frequently because you never know when something will bubble up in Toledo and Northwest Ohio.
Read the Toledo Blade story on local Blog sites, including this one.
Read the Washington Post article about this site, myself, and how all of us are changing campaigning.
Kibbutz pictures reacquaint friends
I'm very happy to have already received a few responses from my fellow kibbutz volunteers, due to pictures I've posted. :-)
So far I've managed to post pictures from:
Kibbutz Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert
Kibbutz Adamit photos
Pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers!
Kibbutz Regavim
Moshav Kfar Haim
Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Ramat Yohanan
From Ramat Yohanan:
This was a wonderful time in my our lives. I remember Ilan. I remember us & that Dutch guy we accidently on purpose walked into Lebanon :D
I also have many lovely photos I'm eager to share & will share as soon as I am able.
Our friendship was/is a gift. I'm so glad to have reconnected w/u. I'm tempted to say next year in Jerusalem or NY.
...Shelia emailed me the next day about the photos u posted. Did she contact u? One of the photos u have of me wearing a shirt w/a balloon on it & I'm not looking directly into the camera is very special would u mind sending it to me. Please I totally love it I may even make it into poster size. Please please send it. Thanks in advance :)
Gwen Anne Strum
Jamaica, NY

From Sdot Yam:
Hello David,
I have been getting nostalgic in the past year and usually google Sdot-Yam. I see your name everywhere and I just smile. I loved seeing the pictures, and just remembering that part of my life does me good. I have been in search of Anja Zerwas for many years now, just seeing her picture on your website has renewed some hope that I may still find her. I miss Donna as well, she was always good to talk with when things were rather dismal, do you hear from her at all?
There is a website called, it's for volunteers and ulpan students. I was surprised not to see your name and story on the list. I saw the picture you had of me on top of Masada with the machine gun, I have that picture on my fridge.
... the pictures are fantastic. Thank you David, there is something very comforting about looking at old photos...
I have to say what shocked me most about you was your brilliant writing ability, and here I thought you were just another pretty face. I had no idea you are such a deep thinker. I look forward to getting out to the bookstore and buying it.
Would love to hear from you again,
Veronica Pierce

Friday, December 19, 2008
Nuclear Germany
I've always done what I could over the years, with what I've got, to help warn our beloved peoples about the German threat to world peace. Whether by ads or articles or letters to the Editor of newspapers and magazines, since every little bit helps with God's blessing upon it, I do my best to warn the world.
While doing what I can to help warn the world, I've always encouraged the Sabbath-keeping Church of God to do more, to go public and step away from behind the podium (preaching to the choir), to get the Word out and let our God-given message become a household word, known and debated and discussed everywhere. Our God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion or we will have failed our God-given mission.
The Greater Toledo, Ohio area has received the lion's share of my efforts, since that's where I'm from, although I've also reached out to Judea, Jerusalem, New York and elsewhere.
This ad (shown below) - Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America? - appeared several times in The Press newspaper, and a similar ad appeared twice in the AutoTrader (talk about taking it to the streets, reaching the general public!). I've also had a full-page ad in The Toledo City Paper warning about EUROPE'S NEW CRUSADE: "PEACE" FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.
I trust free publicity will offer greater opportunities, and God knows, by His grace, I'll walk through every open door to expand His Work. Your prayers are appreciated.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Flurry's fluff pieces
The PCG just ran a series of ads (Flurry's fluff pieces) in Oklahoma that failed to drive home what they supposedly believe, and instead downed others to lift themselves up, stressing their good works to vainly impress the world (Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims do good works, so what?), and, at least, offered Herbert W. Armstrong's book, Mystery of the Ages. That's a great book, but it's the gospel, and the Work of God must go forward - the Church of God must warn the world!
Merry Christmas?
What's "merry" about what God condemns? Don't you believe the Bible that whitewashed pagan hollow days are abominations? Aren't you a Christian? National captivity won't seem too merry. Merry national captivity? Merry catastrophe? Think again and have the change of heart God calls upon our nation to experience or suffer the serious consequences!
Christmas condemned!
C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism
Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?
Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Christian Zionists
It's nice to know us Christian Zionists "terrorize" the Nazi Muslim sinners in light of our biblical support for the Jewish homeland of Israel, exposing and condemning the darkness of "Palestine" and those who aid and abet its evil.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan
The following are pictures of my fellow kibbutz volunteers from Scotland, England, Sweden, France, Germany, the United States, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. at Ramat Yohanan, and on a trip to the Golan Heights, Akko, Rosh Hanikra; a few pictures of Worldwide Church of God member Simcha Gombo and her daughter, Michal, who lived nearby in Kiryat Ata, as well as pictures of Ilan Itzhayek and family (his mother baked a birthday cake for my 33rd birthday) from Kiryat Ata; pictures of Ilan and I in Jerusalem for Hanukkah (where I met Yitzhak Rabin), where, as *David Hoover, I was able to write the preliminary introduction to America Warned! - on the Temple Mount - that has since been published as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, as well as a picture of Ambassador College graduate Sylvia Owens, during a visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, and Jerusalem's Liberty Bell Park that includes The Children's Playground sponsored by the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.
Additional reading:
Israel Work History (Worldwide Church of God)
Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
*My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.
To check out the pictures, click here
Friday, December 12, 2008
Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must be Investigated!
"The American Diplomat in Arafat's Corner," published in The Jerusalem Report, came as no surprise to me. It was referring to Edward Abington, Jr., the United States' former consul general in Jerusalem who is now "guiding the Palestinians through the labyrinths of Washington. And his firm is being paid $2.25 million for his expertise."
Allow the following information to shed light on his less than faithful service to American taxpayers:
"Dear Congresswoman Kaptur: Thank you for your valuable assistance in my pursuit of justice! It's wonderfully refreshing to see some public servants truly helping out their fellow Americans.
It's obvious from Mr. Abington, Jr.'s letter to you that he has strongly held political views that prefers the continued occupation of JUDAISM'S MOST HOLY SITE -- the Temple Mount -- by militant Muslims. Such radical views enable the Muslim extremists to continue to pose a threat to religious Jews and Christians who merely hope to pray on the site...
However historically or biblically inaccurate Mr. Abington, Jr's views are, I believe he is entitled to them. I do not believe his personal views ought to interfere with his public duty. It appears he has DELIBERATELY IGNORED every relevant FACT that PROVED my arrest amounted to political and religious PERSECUTION.
As honestly reported in The Jerusalem Post article he referred to, I wasn't 6 different SECRET SERVICEMEN about the TEMPLE MOUNT because of an "expired visa!" I charged Ms. Leech (his assistant) with complicity in their unjust actions against me for going along with their lie that my visa was expired and for turning a blind eye to their undemocratic ways. I'd given her a letter for Mr. Abington, Jr. to PROTEST MY POLITICAL ABUSE AND RELIGIOUS MISTREATMENT. Since he never bothered to respond, I'm not sure he even received it.
It was difficult to deal with Ms. Leech...since she was quite antagonistic, contending that Israel wanted to deport me because "you wanted to blow up the mosque." When I protested that simply was NOT TRUE, she angrily ordered her assistant, "Go see what he's charged with." He came back and said, "Visa violation." So she KNEW the real reason I was in jail was for being a member of the Temple Mount Faithful, but later went along with their LIE about my visa...
Mr. Abington, Jr. falsely accused me of being proud about my imprisonment. I'm not proud of it nor ashamed, but I do believe in making the most out of a bad situation...Why shouldn't I use my horrible experience to underscore and further the JUST CAUSE of the Temple Mount Faithful? How could anyone fail to understand this?...After all, it's the TEMPLE Mount, not the mosque mount!
Is it too much for an INNOCENT AMERICAN to expect his government to stand up for him? All I've requested from the beginning is for the Consul General to STRONGLY PROTEST my unjust imprisonment and deportation. They know what I say is the truth, but because of their hostile views, they're playing deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that I was a POLITICO-RELIGIOUS PRISONER.
Frankly, they're upset that I refused to go like a lamb to slaughter, but roared like a lion instead - exposing Peres' corruption and their complicity. I will continue to seek justice until it is found."
American Detained in Jerusalem's Russian Compound
Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel
From Toledo to Jerusalem
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Edward Abington, Jr.'s State Department letter
Edward Abington, Jr.'s State Department letter
Not exactly laying low, is it?
You and cause you're likely guilty of terrorism.
That's not true or the Israelis would have produced their evidence, charged and convicted me...but nothing of the sorts! Give up your detective work. You don't have a clue.
Most physchologists I've read suggest that your flurry of denial is overcompensation.
So irrefutable FACTS that blast false accusations are "overcompensation"? Sounds like you had better quit reading quack psychology and just use some common sense.
Someone who's not guilty would pass such claims off as rediculous and be done with it.
That's normally what I would have done too, but once they detained me in the rotting Russian Compound for weeks and engaged in their disinformation campaign against me, it demanded and received a proper rebuttal. Furthermore, what person would be involved in any such alleged plot (but never officially charged, which speaks volumes for those not hard of hearing) and then 1) write a controversial article published in Jerusalem and read throughout Israel (and now the world) about the Temple Mount and the nefarious intentions of the Germans and Jesuits toward Jerusalem?
Not only that, 2) the Israeli police knew all about my honest attempt to exercise my Christian religious rights (Israel professes to respect) upon the Temple Mount, several months prior to publication of said article, and how they removed me - rather than the threat - from the Temple Mount? They stressed they wanted me to know they were only protecting me. So much for laying low if I were involved in any such plot. In light of all these facts on the ground, it's crazy to even suggest I was involved in anything remotely suspect! But then, apparently facts don't matter to some, do they?
Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem
The one time The Traveller did run a political piece, it ruffled feathers with the local authorities. In 'Will Jerusalem become an international city?' by American writer David Ben-Ariel, readers were warned about a German-Vatican plot to take over Jerusalem, urged to take back the Temple Mount and dislodge 'as symbols of foreign occupation' Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
A House of Prayer For All Peoples?
Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Is Gerald Flurry a False Prophet?
If only Gerald Flurry would apply Malachi's Message to himself, he wouldn't have the demonic audacity to anoint himself as "THAT PROPHET" (a title reserved for Jesus Christ), he would humbly hear the Sabbath-keeping Church of God members' legitimate questions and concerns about some of his teachings and dictatorial ministers (like Dennis Leap) rather than angrily "execute" them with excommunication.
Is Gerald Flurry a false prophet? Folks should beware that Gerald Flurry calls himself a prophet. He's taken to himself numerous spiritual titles like a modern day Nimrod, magnifying himself. His son Stephen Flurry sheepishly said on FOX 25 news the PCG considers Mr. Flurry speaks for God and is a prophet. I believe he does, based upon the biblical definitions of a prophet, to the extent it's solidly based upon the Bible and not his private interpretations, and that we should listen to him the same way Jesus Christ said to view the Pharisees - do as they say, but not as they do!
Gerald Flurry (through PCG tithes and offerings) bought and paid for Herbert W. Armstrong's books and booklets from the apostate Worldwide Church of God (rather than go to jail, if necessary, to continue using them without paying the devil for them at extortionate price), so at least he offers the plain truth of the Bible - on those subjects - to anybody who requests them, for free. But is that so he can fleece their soul? Is that to disarm them, to mislead them to imagine everything is kosher in his PCG kingdom, and then devour them? Is that his covering when inwardly he's a ravenous beast who has abused Church of God members' minds and attacks their critical thinking abilities as being "disloyal" to the "government of God?"
Is Gerald Flurry a wolf in sheep's clothing? It certainly appears that way, grieved to say, so I hope and pray Gerald Flurry repents of his arrogance, of his presumptuous religious titles, and remembers the truth, the excellent principles, he has written in Malachi's Message (some say it was plagiarized and it appears to have been), and bless God's people and do a great work that has substance and not just shell - vainly seeking to impress this world, becoming an enemy of God in the process - and boldly warn the world (like the watchmen are called to do) and preach the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God that will save mankind from itself, rescue us from the brink of extinction, so help him God!
Otherwise, it appears this world's only hope to hear the plain truth of the Bible and history again (not that they will receive it), in a powerful way, from pure servants of God free of personal ambition and ulterior motivation, will be the brilliant testimony of the Two Witnesses soon to take an international stand in Jerusalem.
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization!
[T]o support the slanderous and unsubstantiated accusations, Fox 25 primarily relied on testimony from... a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity.
Well, we tried to warn them. Last night I found out that a blogger by the name of David Ben-Ariel
a little-known blogger
Our church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s. But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views. In 1996, while in Israel as an active member of the Temple Mount Faithful, Ben-Ariel -whose name used to be David Hoover - was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.
Israeli authorities kept Ben-Ariel in prison for several weeks during the investigation. While in jail, according to the Jerusalem Post (Feb. 1, 1996), Ben-Ariel petitioned Israel's High Court of Justice for his release while Israeli authorities decided whether to prosecute the Christian-Zionist or deport him back to the States. Ben-Ariel's request for release was denied. Soon after, he was deported
That's the kind of potentially dangerous influence our church avoids associating with
that man's troubling background
may have been part of a terrorist plot in Jerusalem
Philadelphia Church of God ministers, Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry, made passing references to the Temple Mount Faithful, Israeli police and Israeli investigations of David Ben-Ariel (little ol' me), and included inflammatory false accusations of "dangerous influence" and warning FOX 25 about me. Surely the PCG understands how the charge of an Israeli investigation would unfairly prejudice readers against me.
Dangerous Ideas?
Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry simply hurled that fire bomb at me in their full page ad in The Oklahoman to damage my promotional work and undermine Beyond Babylon that contains our biblical beliefs, because they're not in control - they don't call the shots - and it exposes the work that they're not doing, as effectively as they could! The Catholic Church saw to it that "heretics" were burnt at the stake and Flurry and cultic company engage in smear campaigns, character assassination, against those who dare to disagree with them!
If I had been a federal agent or Israeli agent reading their slanderous report, it certainly would have raised concerns in my mind about David Ben-Ariel. Why would the Philadelphia Church of God attempt to frighten Oklahomans against David Ben-Ariel and the Temple Mount Faithful who are both Bible believers and law-abiding?
Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, regularly works with the Israeli authorities in preparation, coordinating efforts in Jerusalem, for his legal demonstrations to protest ongoing religious discrimination against Christians and Jews in Israel, and as a hero from Israel's Six Day War in 1967, having helped to liberate the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Mr. Salomon is known by every Israeli and completely above ground and level-headed.
I informed the Israeli police who conducted an investigation about me, due to a controversial article published in Jerusalem (Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem) that includes many of the same beliefs the PCG shares, that I respected it was their duty to investigate any legitimate concerns they might have, but that they condemn themselves if after they discover my innocence (which they did, "lacking sufficient evidence" to charge or convict me of anything of the sort), they continued to treat me like some common criminal! They informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post (Jan. 9, 1996), they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me.
Did you get that? It bears repeating since apparently Gerald and Stephen Flurry failed to get it or wickedly ignored it: the Israeli police informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post, they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me. So why would professing Christian church leaders fail to give me the benefit of the doubt, cast aspersions on my character, and play the charade of feeling the need to distance themselves from me? Especially when they're acting so self-righteously indignant over such tactics they feel have been used against them? Doesn't that appear as sheer gall and rank hypocrisy before both God and man?
Still at Large!
As for law enforcement officials in this country, I've reported on how the FBI investigated a false accusation against me, how I welcomed them and went over and beyond being helpful by providing them complete access to my computer's hard drive without a warrant to do so, and on another occasion appreciated their support when they tracked a death threat against me to East Jerusalem.
All things considered, as a practicing Christian Zionist (nothing to be ashamed of), I forgive Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry for their misleading references to me, and thank our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, for offering me this opportunity to again clear my name of all these false charges some hope to keep alive, hateful opponents of the plain truth of the Bible and history that I dare to share. Perhaps the PCG can help to make amends with the maligned Temple Mount Faithful by writing an objective article about them in The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine and/or offering a generous donation to their biblical cause.
Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
From Toledo to Jerusalem
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The bombshell Beyond Babylon
All the while during my six and a half hours of Israeli interrogation, I prayed only to speak what God would have me to say; nothing more or less (Luke 20:12-19). I did clearly warn them that the "peace" process is a trap; that it's about to blow up in their faces, and that a German-led Europe is going to wage a new crusade to enforce the Vatican's version of peace. Catholic Europe will backstab and betray both the Arabs and the Jews. They'll push for Jerusalem to become "an international city" (Zech. 14:2), all under the cover of UN Resolution 181.
I maintained that the only explosives that I'm involved with is the bombshell I've written, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. I continually referred them to it, stating that's where my beliefs are on public record (John 18:20).
When Caesar Plays God: When the State Oversteps its Bounds
Little known blogger
Re: Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
"a little known blogger"
Do terrorists get on their computers and link to their own advertiser driven blogs in every post?
I confess that I am a man of many blogs, "a little known blogger" (as Gerald Flurry's hostile ad describes me), but I am driven, I am energized, I am motivated - not by profits, but by the Law and the Prophets, and the Writings and the Gospel, Acts and by Revelation: my godly agenda is to dare to share the plain truth of the Bible and history, as an e-vangelist reaching the Internet world.
I'm sure my detractors, who hate my presence "all over the Internet," as they often bitterly complain, would strongly disagree that I am "a little known blogger." LOL. And, God knows, I've only just begun!
Apparently, Stephen Flurry has gotten too big for his britches and has foolishly forgotten the humble beginnings of the Philadelphia Church of God, when the leadership of the Worldwide Church of God mocked they wouldn't last 5 months and were "a peanut shell on a big ocean going nowhere," and refused to even acknowledge or read Gerald Flurry's book! (Peanut Shell) Much like the PCG has treated me and Beyond Babylon!
All this reminds me of an earlier encounter with Stephen Flurry's haughty attitude in 2001, unlike their hostile ad misled we allegedly only had some "communications" in the early 90s when I've had plenty of communications with many of their ministers over the years: Response by Stephen Flurry to Judean Voice ad
Those who read that blunt correspondence between Stephen Flurry and myself, will see that I have remained consistent and persistent in my constructive criticism of the Philadelphia Church of God, and in doing all that I can, with what I've been given.
This was written in 2005:
Now living in East Toledo, Ben-Ariel sends his views to the world via two web sites and numerous internet forums. Google his name and you’ll get 4,860 references. David’s been a very busy man. And now he’s written a book called Beyond Babylon; Europe’s Rise and Fall. He calls the book, “God’s final warning before the German blitzkrieg begins.”
East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning
PCG venom
Re: Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
VERY strong, David. I don't know how David Koresh got into that article--I could hardly read it--or if he was saying you were a Branch Davidian... Koresh may have a bad name now, but it's really up in the air as far as I'm concerned as to whether he was an evil child molesting bigamist or an innocently maligned religious leader embroiled in writing his book on Revelation...
May God truly give him repentance.
[Name withheld]
From all that I've read and seen, the Branch Davidians were falsely accused of molesting children, of "stockpiling weapons" (and they were all found to be legally acquired), etc.
Flurry is such a HYPOCRITE it's amazing and sad, but I honestly have no ill will against him.
David Ben-Ariel
Re: Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
I am truly surprised at the PCG venom, however, when you are simply just one man! No organization, no millions of dollars to back you up, just a blogger. :)
[Name withheld]
Yes, as Stephen Flurry calls me in the PCG's first ad, I'm just a little known blogger and yet I knew about the Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God before they did.
David Ben-Ariel
Sheik Palazzi on Beyond Babylon
Sheik Palazzi comments on Beyond Babylon
Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi
Rome, Italy (6/19/2005)
Dear Mr. Ben-Ariel,
I finished reading your valuable book and appreciated its contents. I was already informed about the Worldwide Church of God and already had the opportunity to read books by Rev. Armstrong and issues of "The Plain Truth". Although from a religious point of view I obviously disagree with some of the beliefs which your Church preaches, I surely agree with your analysis of German and Vatican in creating as a new European anti-God Empire. I would like that Europeans understand what is happening under their eyes. Thank you very much for the copies you sent me. I hope many people will have the opportunity to read your book and reflect upon its contents.
All the very best,
Shaykh Prof. Abdul Hadi Palazzi Director
Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community
Phased Destruction
The Washington Times
Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin '
Phased destruction'
American author David Ben-Ariel tells this column that he will soon release "Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall," describing the book as "staunchly pro-Israel/ American." As a result, he predicts, the book's subject matter "will become a national debate and an international controversy." Not surprising. Mr. Ben-Ariel of late has referred to the "mindless mantra that mesmerizes fools for peace at any price and rings hollow because the Jews are going again, slowly but surely, through the lying peace process of phased destruction." "The only ones (thank God for the precious few) who are making any fuss about it, dragging their heels rather than go like sheep to the slaughter, are roundly condemned by their own leaders and American administrations and worthless world opinion as 'enemies of peace,' 'obstacles to peace,' and other name brands because they don't want to 'rest in peace' but live and prosper."
David Hoover/David Ben-Ariel
Stephen Flurry makes mention, in Gerald Flurry's hateful Oklahoman ad against me (it corrects some errors in Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God, but falters when it goes on to engage in the same character assassination against me they cry was done to them, based on half-truths and downright dirty innuendos that I am a terrorist, which is what folks will remember - not the corrections), that "Ben-Ariel -- whose name used to be Hoover -- was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Aqsa mosque" and was later deported.
Flurry failed to report that the Israeli authorities acknowledged to The Jerusalem Post that they "lacked sufficient evidence" to convict me - because there was no plot except the one they conspired against me, due to an article published in The Traveller magazine in Jerusalem, as revealed within: Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem and Still at Large!
My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it in 1989 for religious reasons, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.
Friday, December 05, 2008
East Toledoan calls his book, Beyond Babylon, God’s final warning

By John Szozda
May 20, 2005
Is David Ben-Ariel sounding the trumpet for God or is he merely a confused Christian?
Either way, he’s a dangerous man in dangerous times, a man who Israel deported in 1996.
Ben-Ariel believes Israel should forcefully take back The Temple Mount from Muslim control. He believes Germany and The Vatican are under Satan’s influence and are conspiring to restore the Holy Roman Empire and destroy the United States and Great Britain. He believes that after Germany imposes its will on the European Union, it will attack the United States with nuclear weapons. Three and half years later, Jesus Christ will come to deliver us from the Satanic beast and He will establish His heaven on Earth.
Fact or fiction?
Prophecy, claims Ben-Ariel, who says he is “just one more trumpet sounding the alarm.” Others include Rev. Gerald Flurry of the Philadelphia Church of God. These men believe Americans and Brits are descendents of the Lost Tribes of Israel, God’s chosen people.
Now living in East Toledo, Ben-Ariel sends his views to the world via two web sites and numerous internet forums. Google his name and you’ll get 4,860 references. David’s been a very busy man. And now he’s written a book called Beyond Babylon; Europe’s Rise and Fall. He calls the book, “God’s final warning before the German blitzkrieg begins.”
Ben-Ariel’s views first landed him in trouble with Israeli authorities in 1996. He says he was arrested in a suspected plot to blow up the Al Aqsa Mosque built on The Temple Mount, the site of the Holy Temple where Jesus Christ taught. Ben-Ariel spent three weeks in an Israeli jail and was released without being charged. He was deported and banned from applying for a Visa until this year.
Ben-Ariel says he was arrested because he was protesting the occupation of the Temple Mount and his beliefs were contrary to the softer position of Israel’s Left. He claims he was misunderstood by authorities and caught up in a “witch hunt” after Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated.
“I wanted it (the mosque) removed but I’ve always said that’s a government’s responsibility. I’m against abortion too and I want the government to remove all those clinics but it doesn’t mean that I’m inciting, that I’m calling for anyone to go out and blow them up. There’s a big difference. But, in Israel, they didn’t see that difference,” he said.
Ben-Ariel hopes to obtain a Visa this year and move to Israel. He has visited there 11 times since 1980 living at more than 8 different kibbutzim.
So, how does the son from a Baptist/Methodist family adopt such radical beliefs?
David, like many Americans who find their spiritual lives unfulfilled in traditional religion, went searching for something more satisfying. He found his ring of truth in the Worldwide Church of God and the teachings of Herbert Armstrong. Today, he is a member of the Temple Mount Faithful and his mission is to urge the Israeli government to take the site from Muslim control. “I am calling upon the Israeli people to repent and as part of their national repentance to cleanse The Temple Mount of its foreign filth, those foreign mosques that occupy Judean’s most holy site.”
The Palestinians should go too. “Israel should cleanse the land of this filth and their polluted mind set and remove the threat by expelling them. It’s logical. America would never tolerate a particular people saying, `We are going to take your capitol and make it ours.’”
You can see why, in the tinderbox that is the Middle East, Israel officials prefer not to have the incendiary David Ben-Ariel in their country. When the beliefs of a militant Christian meet head on with the beliefs of a militant Muslim, can there be any hope for peace?
In Beyond Babylon, Ben-Ariel presents his interpretation of The Bible and how he arrives at his conclusion that a Vatican-Nazi alliance will lead to our destruction, a destruction that we are hastening because of our idolatry and immorality.
When this Armageddon will occur is not certain, Ben-Ariel writes. However, it will come soon. And, I suppose, the recent earthquakes, melting polar ice caps, Asian tsunami and conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan provide fertile ground for those who believe in conspiracy theories. And, if you think these people aren’t out there just surf the internet and you decide if Ben-Ariel is blowing a trumpet or a kazoo.
You can read about Ben-Ariel at You can order the book at You may comment at
By: John Szozda
Contact e-mail:
Refer to Israel, not Palestine!
Christians Reject "Palestine" for the Promised Land of Israel
I remember taking issue with The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine's frequent use of the term "Palestine" when they were referring to the Holy Land of Israel.
Both Gerald Flurry, editor-in-chief of The Philadelphia Trumpet, and his son, Stephen Flurry were guilty of using the loaded term of "Palestine."
Gerald Flurry quoted Shmuel Schnitzer lamenting the new Jewish people who are "preparing to deny our [Jewish] rights, both the divine promise and in terms of REFERRING TO THE LAND BY THE NAME OF ITS PEOPLE, "The Land of Israel' -- a land which belongs to the Children of Israel, from then and to eternity..." [emphasis mine] and then, himself, continues in "Israel's Lost Vision" blind to his own hypocrisy, "Let's look back at Palestine's recent history."
Yes, let's look at what name GOD gave the land as an inheritance of all Twelve Tribes of Israel. GOD named it after our patriarch ISRAEL. Satan inspired the Romans to mock God and dishonor our Father by attempting to erase Israel's name off the map! "They have said, 'Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more'" (Psalms 83:4). Why join with the enemies of God and Israel? Why give credence to an ILLEGITIMATE name? God forbid Israel ever becomes "Palestine"!
Since I truly believe they wanted to go by the Bible, I encouraged them to do so and properly refer to the Land of Israel by its GOD ORDAINED NAME -- Israel!
In fact, I made a public issue of it only after I saw they persisted in their error by writing "An Open Letter to Stephen Flurry Concerning 'Palestine'" in the November/December 1996 issue of The National Messenger. It appears they now refer to "Judah" or "Israel (biblical Judah)" instead of the accursed "Palestine." Hallelujah!
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah