A Household WordThe general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! If you don't believe me, conduct your own survey and see for yourself. That means something isn't kosher! Something needs to be done differently, more effectively, doesn't it?
That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says,
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and
Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.
I appreciate what
is being done, but I wholeheartedly encourage all to
do more.If we don't warn the world, or fail to effectively warn our
White Israelite nations, first and foremost, so that we
become a household word like Ezekiel in his day (Ezekiel 33:30), we'll be held responsible for the blood of all the millions of lives lost! That's a serious charge - especially since the fact God warns about it reveals it's a distinct possibility! So when some little nobody like me shows up and takes the
Church of God to task over this, saying we're not well known, we're not a household world, the message isn't getting out
like it should and could, instead of being beaten down for not "submitting" to ministers, the wise would prayerfully consider this poor man's plea and recognize my allegiance is to God and Jesus Christ, not to any organization of men, and that I am following the government of God in the Highest Heaven by being true to what I know to be true.
The Church of God ministers just don't get it: folks aren't hearing the Gospel message and the Ezekiel warning,
as they must. I have applied Matthew 18 and it went nowhere, since the religious authorities, as usual, ignore those who aren't "men of stature" and dismiss them. Since they can't refute what I say, that more needs to be done, that all the "hammering" over the years by top ministers hasn't been heard, hasn't hit home (all things considered), they shoot the messenger and attack my character, accusing me of lacking "humility" and causing confusion. The plain truth is: it is entirely
irrelevant whether or not I am humble, regardless of real or imagined sins,
what I say is the truth. Paul said some preach for this reason and others for that reason, but blessed be God for all the preaching!
Apparently they're not humble enough to recognize my "attacks on God's loyal church" are meant as constructive criticism: "Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all
Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins" (Isaiah 58:1). Those who are loyal to God, His Church and the plain truth of the Bible should respect my efforts and heartfelt call for all of us to do more. How does it help? It certainly can't hurt! And it
delivers the warning message to boot.
If the proud and stubborn Church of God leaders, too often representative of Sodom and Gomorrah, as spiritual Jerusalem, would face the music - soon to turn into a funeral dirge - they would confess and forsake their sins that have caused the confusion rampant in the scattered flock of God today! They would humble themselves to hear those who dare to
speak truth to power! They would be encouraged to join forces and work together to rock this world, as never before!
Among the Sabbath-keeping Church of God groups, those who agree with the
plain truth of the Bible and history Herbert W. Armstrong courageously taught, there shouldn't be any question or debate about our White Israelite origins and the consequences of sins our peoples are suffering and will suffer (soon so terrible it will demand divine intervention to rescue our Chosen People, the national salt of the Earth), for those who know better.
If I sound angry to some, so be it! The Word of God calls for
righteous indignation. Didn't Jesus express the same with His religious authorities? With those who were making a killing off the people of God? I am foot-stomping mad! (Ezekiel 6:11). Doesn't the Church of God recognize how late the hour is? Don't we believe it? Is that why we want to continue to "play Church" and go about
"business as usual?" Don't we know it's getting dark fast? If we're afraid to be politically incorrect now, how do we think we'll stand up for the truth when it means death or imprisonment? (Jeremiah 12:5).
grieves me that apparently the Church of God leaders fail to recognize that
now is the time to
focus on the Ezekiel message, to warn the world - and present the Gospel in light of it, to proclaim the return of the King is our only hope and national salvation!
We can preach "meat in due season," incorporating all this vital information in timely ads and articles, whether it's exposing the pagan abominations of
Christmas or
Easter, explaining how they're part of the rampant idolatry and immorality that pollutes our
professing Christian lands, and how they're condemning us to
destruction, defeat and deportation if we refuse to repent - just like our Israelite and Jewish forefathers went into
NATIONAL CAPTIVITY for their "harmless celebrations!" - or how a
German-Jesuit EU will strike us down and
take us out! I trust it's possible to tie it all in together, in powerful and provocative ways, as God leads and we follow.
If the
Church of God doesn't do
this Work, if they feel they must continue to focus on the Gospel, then God will raise up prophets who
will face the nations, who - like
Watchmen -
will focus on the NATIONAL and INTERNATIONAL LEVEL. If so, I hope and pray the Church of God
at least humbly offers the Work of the Prophets the hands of fellowship (as the apostles did to Paul concerning his separate but equal God-given Work - Galatians 2:9).
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel