David Ben-Ariel, author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, is a Christian-Zionist and prolific writer on the Middle East with a special focus on Jerusalem, Israel.
The best $60 I ever spent on advertising! Baruch Hashem. Folks across America, on the highways and national parks (Badlands, Custer, Devil's Tower, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Flaming Gorge, Dinosaur, Rocky Mountain, etc.), were seen reading and even saying out loud, "Beyond Babylon" - and to many of them I was pleased to be able to give my Beyond Babylon cards to that pictures my book and on the back has David Ben-Ariel and my website address written. I loved it.
Christians honor Israel at Sunday services WASHINGTON (JTA) -- More than 900 churches in the United States participated in a Christian Zionist organization's event honoring Israel.
CUFI Sunday, sponsored by Christians United For Israel, was incorporated into the regular Sunday church service.
Although varying from church to church, the service generally included a sermon about the Jewish state and a request to sign the group's "Israel Pledge." The pledge states that the Jewish people "have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel" and that Israel has the right to defend itself from terrorism.
Churches from all 50 states, and a total of 1,100 churches in 49 countries, participated in the event, according to CUFI... more
************ Christian-Zionist Response to Shimon Peres’ AIPAC speech Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel’s strong response to Shimon Peres’ weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel I am a Bible-believer, a Christian-Zionist (one who believes the Prophets foretold the restoration of Jews first of all 12 Tribes of Israel to the Promised Land of Israel before the end of this world as we know it). I am not a Protestant or a “Jew for Jesus” and certainly not a member of the Roman Catholic Cult. I am a baptized member of the Sabbath-keeping Church of God…
WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD ANNOUNCES NAME CHANGE The Worldwide Church of God announced that, effective April 3, 2009, it changed its denominational name to Grace Communion International.
Sadly, Apostate Church of Tkach or Synagogue of Satan would be a better name to reflect their spiritual darkness since they've returned to traditional vomit, have gone back to Egypt and are stuck in the muck of Babylon. Such reprobate Christians are in worse condition than those who never knew better.
Giving credit where credit is due, Malachi's Message and Raising the Ruins bear witness against their religious deception and descent to spiritual depravity.
You recently ran an ad for a book, Beyond Babylon, by "David Ben-Ariel." This is a Christian radical theology fronting for offshoots of the Worldwide Church of G-d, Herbert W. Armstrong, representing the British Israel branch which has crossovers with other antisemitic groups. I thought you would want to know.
Yitzchok Dovid Smith Received by email
SLR Responds: You are 100 percent correct we would want to know, and we are very grateful to you for pointing out our potentially severe error. We have no idea if this group is antisemitic (nothing we found out about them would indicate that), but they are definitely a Christian evangelical group, and their ad in our paper indicates that they were being deceptive. You can trust their ad will not appear again.
This exchange appeared in The Jewish Voice and Opinion magazine, May 2009, in reference to two full page ads that I, David Ben-Ariel, bought and paid for in full (January and April issues) - not any group or organization!
I sincerely hope that "Yitzchok Dovid Smith" knows more about Judaism than he does about Herbert W. Armstrong and the offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God, as those who are knowledgeable about Mr. Armstrong and those associated with him, having read or are familiar with his former magazine The Plain Truth, know that we are not antisemitic in any manner, shape or form and to attempt to discredit us by a faulty connection to some who are is as deceptive as linking all Jews with Bolshevism or other godless movements!
Mr. Armstrong was well known in Israel among the leadership for years, even honored in Jerusalem many times, and met every prime minister from Golda Meir on until his death in 1986. Ambassador College (Pasadena, California) worked with Hebrew University on many archaeological digs and Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem honors Herbert W. Armstrong to this day with a monument.
Furthermore, I am not a member of any "Christian evangelical group" and neither Herbert W. Armstrong or offshoots of the Sabbath-keeping Worldwide Church of God have anything to do with traditional Christianity, which we consider baptized paganism: the Babylonian Mystery religion in Christian drag!
My two full page ads (they were my ads, representing my politico-religious concerns for Israel in light of the pope's campaign to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, Europe's new crusade) in The Jewish Voice and Opinion were not deceptive in the least, as I have always focused on where I agree with Jews, as Torah-observant Jews can testify who have known me for years, like Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, and Ze'ev Bar-Tov; Aryeh Gallin, President of Root and Branch Association; Attorney Howard Grief; rabbis Yehoshua Friedman and Avraham Feld; Yair Davidiy of Brit Am Yisrael; Barry Chamish, etc.
Last but not least, my legal name is David Ben-Ariel. Again, nothing deceptive. Just the plain truth!
Christian-Zionist David Ben-Ariel's strong response to Shimon Peres' weak AIPAC speech, condemning the lying peace process, collaboration with the Vatican and warning about UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution!
Isaiah 28 14 Therefore hear the word of the LORD, you scornful men, Who rule this people who are in Jerusalem, 15 Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, And with Sheol we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge passes through, It will not come to us, For we have made lies our refuge, And under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.” Shimon Peres, the bloody vulture who initially came to power over Rabin's dead body, the perfidious president of Israel, has publicly wished president usurperObama at the AIPAC Conference in Washington, DC, "full success" and "God speed." What a madman! Such success would mean death to the United States and death to Israel!
Shimon Peres' schizophrenic speech, with no basis in reality except for the clear and present danger Iran poses, continued to self-righteously push the delusional "peace" process as something desirable, rather than a miserable failure and fraud that should be declared null and void.
The irreligious Shimon Peres had the chutzpah to speak in the name of a god who "doesn't believe in war." Our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, instructs Israel to offer peace on our God-given terms, our God-given conditions, not based upon "painful compromises" or "painful concessions" Israel's sworn enemies dictate! And when such offers of peace are rejected, our Great Creator God, the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, demands Israel enforce peace through strength. Not to insanely keep trying to make peace with sworn enemies who must be defeated and driven out, as Meir Kahane courageously reminded the nation of what Moses taught (Malachi 4:4).
Shimon Peres condemned Iran funding and arming Hezbollah and Hamas, yet remained deathly silent about the United States and Israel funding and arming Fatah and Hamas, and aiding and abetting the terrorist PLO office to remain open in Washington, DC, and failing to move the United States' embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem where it belongs, as acknowledged by the Jerusalem Embassy Act.
Shimon Peres accused the Iranians of "trying to impose a foreign and violent ideology. Their agents target Americans, Europeans and Arabs alike." That's true. However, the same thing must be said about the Vatican's Crusade to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, pushing illegitimate Catholic claims forward with the German pope's planned visit to the Holy Land of Israel, while continuing to hold the Temple treasures and Judaica hostage in Rome.
The Roman Catholic Church, backed by the German-dominated Europe, poses the greatest external threat to Israel's survival. However, the greatest threat to Israel is from within: the Jews' worst enemies are those Jewish collaborators with the accursed Vatican, who sell out Jerusalem and betray Israel.
Jewish Israelis must remember they are Jews first and Israelis second, return to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and go by the Book. Otherwise the German-Jesuit jackboot will stomp Jerusalem and peacekeeping troops pollute the Holy Land of Israel, imposing UN Resolution 181 as the Final Solution.
Born Again: The Kingdom of God! GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That's the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God's Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).
Israeli Parliament member Michael Ben-Ari (National Union) and Professor Hillel Weiss of Bar Ilan University have written an open letter of protest to the President, Prime Minister, Ministers and Parliament (Knesset) Members of Israel.
Here is an excerpt from an article that appears in Israel National News:
“We wish to strengthen you at this difficult period,” the letter states, “when the sons of Esau and Ishmael ally together, with members of our nation as well, to refuse to recognize the Jewish sovereign claim to the Land of Israel, despite international decisions of the past century.”
“It is not that Israel’s rights are dependent on the consent of the nations of the world, nor have we inherited our Land based on their agreement. Rather, it is ours by force of the Divine Covenant and the favor and oath made by the G-d of Israel with our forefathers and with us.”
“To our great sorrow, the Pope’s visit to our Land at this fateful period is nothing more than a pilgrimage, so that he can prostrate himself at the places his faith considers holy. No one is preventing him from visiting any site he wishes to, under the full political sovereignty of the State of Israel.
“However, this journey has international political ramifications, representing ideological and political support for the side that still does not agree, just like in 1947, to recognize the State of Israel as the state of the Jews and a Jewish sovereign state. This trip should therefore not be greeted with great enthusiasm.
"Many parts of his itinerary – events, the attempt to sign agreements before and during his visit, the State’s bending-over backwards such as the issuance of stamps and grandiose festivals – are not required. They instead appear to be the fruit of willing participation by the victim in the increasing international pressure to expel Israel from its land…
"The visit is part of, and the natural outgrowth of, the pressure exerted by Esau/Ishmael and the previous Israeli government.
"Israel must therefore refrain from declarations, ceremonies and agreement-signings that appear to be support for the long-running pressure to downgrade Israel’s status in our Land.”
New Book will Ignite a Debate About Roosevelt Deborah Lipstadt writes: See today's article in the New York Times for some recent research which is likely to ignite a debate about FDR's response in the 1930s to the persecution of the Jews. I believe it could be "consensus changing" about his response to the persection.
Meir Kahane noted the hypocrisy of Jews who cry about how the Gentiles didn’t do more to stop the Holocaust when the American Jewish establishment failed to lift a finger to help their brethren, and how European Jewish leaders even collaborated with the Nazis!
Never again?Shimon Peres, that bloody vulture who came to power over Rabin’s dead body, sells out Jerusalem and betrays Israel for his German-Jesuit masters. The Jews are their own worst enemy.
Is David Ben-Ariel a terrorist? Did he try to blow up the mosques in Israel? Is that why he was deported from Israel? Or is he simply somebody who has been targeted for exposing the German-Vatican plot against Jerusalem and highlighting the Nazi Muslim occupation of the Temple Mount?
It is not in Germany's mind today, or its present peaceful people, to wage war against us, but that will all change overnight, after a head-on collision with the Islamic leader of a confederation of Muslim states, their mahdi, whetting Europe's appetite for more blood and morphing the EU into THE BEAST. They will destroy all Muslim opposition with a vengeance.
Whereas most Germans are not aware of vile intentions of influential Germans under Jesuit influence to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation, the Fourth Reich, to embark on a new crusade into the Middle East, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall bares their grand design before the world: the German-Assyrians will strike again!
The Atlantic Times, regardless of whether or not they believe any of this prophetic scenario possible, owes it to their readers to address this issue that is most serious to a growing number of Bible-believing Christians and many Jews. Can we trust them to deliver?