Wednesday, April 19, 2006

AIDS & Gays - related articles by David Ben-Ariel

Frightening statistics about who is infected with the HIV virus, showing disproportionate numbers for practicing homosexuals, however accurate, are one more reason to avoid the self-destructive practice of homosexuality, but such statistics against abortion, divorce, adultery, stds, etc. could be produced as evidence as why some should avoid heterosexuality like the plague too!

God's Word should be sufficient to those whom He is working with at this time. Fear of consequences, unless they're immediate, usually doesn't work. May we love God and want to serve and obey Him, trusting Father knows best. I say this as a Christian who is convicted practicing homosexuality is a sin, and as a Christian who has AIDS and looks to the future when the saints will be given glorious, holy Spirit bodies at the resurrection!

Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS

Does God Heal Today?

Brokeback Mountain Blues

Straight Talk about David and Jonathan

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