Friday, November 10, 2006

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 3 - TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES

Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
Chapter Three
Truth or Consequences

The Bible warns of an upsurge in satanic activities. We’re told
that his invisible sway has affected all nations, deceiving the whole
world (Rev. 12:9). It’ll soon threaten Earth’s very existence! Dark
storm clouds are gathering, preparing to cover every continent—but
there is a silver lining.

As global tensions increase, and threats of confrontation escalate,
we might very well wonder whether humanity will survive. UNLESS
there’s a GOD to intervene, we have a bleak future indeed—a DEAD
PLANET! Will earth become a nuclear fireball? Will charred
bones—aftermath of unleashed atomic fires—and the smoldering
ruins of a suicidal civilization be all that’s left?

What’s this world coming to? Its prophesied end. God told Adam
and Eve the facts of life and they chose death. We’ve all rejected
what’s good for us and insist on doing our own thing. Everybody has
chosen to snub God and eat the forbidden fruit.

The Eternal Creator God, in His dealings with men and nations,
has always afforded us a choice. Man has been made a free moral
agent and isn’t an idle automaton. Therefore, it’s incumbent upon
mankind to CHOOSE what they are going to do: follow God’s Book
of Life or go it on their own. But a sobering RESPONSIBILITY
accompanies that freedom of choice.

The Great Lawgiver has decreed that man must assume responsibility
for his actions, and in a sense, for the collective actionsof the nation
as a whole. The Supreme Judge of the Universe has now chosen—in these
last days of civilization (as we know it)—to call mankind to an accounting.
Where will we stand? Where will YOU stand? It’s time we find out. This is
a LIFE and DEATH situation!

God is again about to offer His Holy Spirit (the Tree of Life) to mankind.
But God is first, as a witness, thundering to our lethargic world that
we’ve been deceived. We’ve got to WAKE UP to what’s really going on, and
be warned about catastrophic events ready to strike. We’d better take
action and make drastic changes.

In order to escape atomic annihilation, we’ve got to turn around
and go the other way. We’re headed in the wrong direction! The fate
of our nation hangs in the balance. The choice of continued freedom
and national existence is up to Washington (London, Jerusalem,
Pretoria…) and every British-Israelite capital to decide.

Will we act now to halt America’s decline in the face of the
dangerous European ascent? It’s extremely urgent that we recognize
the serious significance of worsening world conditions and its
relationship to the U.S. scapegoat—IF we’re to avert a crisis
situation and violent confrontation with an INDEPENDENT
EUROPE. Regardless, God will remember His many promises to
offer us His Holy Spirit again. We can either learn our lessons now
(by believing the Bible about imminent national destruction)—or
reject God’s warning and scoff at it, as usual, only to have a RUDE
AWAKENING in concentration camps. What will it be?

Our Dying Civilization

We’re living in a sick world. This dying age desperately needs
God’s Tree of LIFE and its healing qualities (Rev. 22:2). Will we get
help? Or will we go on like sheep to the slaughter?
Why see how close to the edge we can get? Why deliver our loved
ones into the rough hands of those who hate us? Why surrender to
enemy terror and the savage state of near extermination?

Yes, from that selfish act in Eden, the whole course of history was
set, and the entire world has been swept away. That “crime of the
centuries” opened up the floodgates of hell. We’re still suffering its
consequences. The daily newspapers and evening news testifies that
we’re WITHOUT EXCUSE! Our own way has not been better!
Civilization is about to die—the end result of going the WRONG

In the face of such a frightening torrent of sin, there appeared One
Man who dared to stand up against it. By divine conviction, He
defied the “impossible” by living in harmony with the Tree of Life,
despising the lie of the Tree of Death and rejecting its “advances.”
By that One Man’s bold action and divine initiative, the way has now
been reopened to the Tree of Life (1 Pet. 2:21).

The Tree of Life and its immortal fruit had been off-limits, closed
to mankind, because God refuses to impart God-Life to “hardened
criminals” (Heb. 3:13). But now, through Christ, we can have direct
access to that Tree and to the Father (whom mankind still doesn’t
know). We’re afforded the priceless opportunity to live a new and
different life, in loving obedience, having been rescued from our old
ways and forgiven our ignorance.

Through this comparatively chosen few—who’ve had their eyes
opened to see this world for what it really is, in contrast to what it can
become with God’s Help—God has prepared the foundation for His
coming Kingdom (John 14:1-3). Just as Satan took advantage of
Adam’s deceived descendants (to fill the earth with violent lies and
a corrupt system), God will utilize those enlightened in Christ to
teach the truth and administer proper justice (Rom. 5:19).

A Nation of Drug Addicts

Presently God’s truth is suppressed. Pagan superstitions have
clouded Christianity and dulled too many minds (2 Cor. 4:4). We
haven’t been enlightened by God’s truth—we have been
DECEIVED by Satan’s lies! His serpentine ministers have been
working overtime and have drugged our nations into a comatose
state. They’ve poisoned churches with venom and smitten fools with

WAKE UP, AMERICA, lest you die in your sleep! America’s
hour has arrived to receive her last WARNING! If we stumble,
England and Israel will fall too!

We haven’t known the liberating truth of God—instead we’ve
been chained to tradition. We’re about to come to a grinding halt, due
to an “oil shortage” (Matt. 25:8). That proper understanding is only
available by an acceptable attitude and response (Ps. 111:10)—a
biblical standard we’re supposed to uphold (Isa. 62:10), not just
stand by and watch as it’s tossed to the side by rambling ministers
(Acts 5:29, 32).

We’re headed for disaster! We’ve been deceived and don’t even
realize it yet. We’ve been misled by siren songs and religious
lullabies (Isa. 30:10). Sugarcoated sermons (lacking real substance),
pretty prayers, and nice thoughts can’t save us! Many, unable to be
sustained on such an unhealthy diet, will succumb to malnutrition and
die, their bellies bloated with their preacher’s hot air (Amos 8:11,
2 Pet. 2:18). All the altar calls in the world can’t save a
single soul—if they’re only coming back to human traditions and
not to God (Hos. 7:14, 16).

No Holding Back

God understands many are sincere, but sincerely wrong, having
been led astray. That’s why God has raised up this Work to “CRY
ALOUD, SPARE NOT, lift up your voice like a trumpet [warning of
war], and show My people [the Church/Synagogue] their
transgressions [cause of coming war], and the House of Jacob [the
Nation] their sins” (Isa. 58:1). We need honest individuals to explain
what our nation is doing wrong, to show us where we’re off-track,
and point us back in the right direction. You’re reading the
“instructions” right now!

get the Word out to the GENERAL PUBLIC—not just preach to a
converted audience or attempt to reach only the “religious” world.
God’s ministers need to quit hiding behind the podium and TAKE IT
TO THE STREET! Otherwise God will hold such people
responsible for the deaths of millions! Why would God warn His
own people about this scenario if it weren’t possible? It is possible.
God’s servants are to speak out and be heard.

God’s Church has been charged to get the Word out to all the
world and make disciples (students) within every nation, teaching
them to follow Jesus’ teachings. What did Jesus teach? He boldly
proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom of God, the immortal
Family of God-Beings soon to reign over all the earth. He also taught
His students how to live a life that graces the Gospel and
compliments the Kingdom. We’re to become more godly, more
Christ-like, more Kingdom-like, daily, in anticipation of its Dawn.

But Jesus also warned of TURBULENT TIMES to occur just
before His landing on the Mount of Olives to liberate Jerusalem and
secure David’s Throne (leading to Israel’s deliverance). We know
that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these “last days.”
Therefore their sealed messages weren’t to break their silence until
the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age,
we’ve been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of
mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth (Matt.

The early Church preached the Gospel, but within the framework
of addressing issues and concerns of their time and place. For
example, they emphasized Jesus’ necessary death and resurrection.
(The biblical approach is to offer “meat in due season,” custom-made
messages that are tailored for the times. We’re to become “all things
to all men,” using current events as a prop and a podium). They
preached Christ and Him crucified, and didn’t deal with Jesus’
prophecy about Jerusalem’s imminent fall and the Temple’s
destruction. Why? It wouldn’t affect the daily lives and national
affairs of their Gentile audience.

However, today the European Beast is taking shape and form
before us, while the American, British and Jewish peoples continue
their nosedive to oblivion. Both of these intertwined events were
clearly prophesied (Lev. 26 Deut. 28). And it’s only with our God-
given understanding of biblical prophecy that we can see where these
trends are rapidly heading.

Both Daniel and the Book of Revelation reveal a Gentile
confederation of nations to emerge upon the world scene just before
Messiah comes, wrecking havoc upon Israel and opposing the
Heavenly Army (Dan.7, Rev. 13 17). These prophesied headlines will
directly affect the lives of every member of God’s Church and
Israelite nations! Therefore these “geopolitical” prophecies are most
personal and pertinent.

It was necessary for God to first IDENTIFY ISRAEL today (the
so-called Lost Ten Tribes) so the Church could deliver His message
to them, preserved by the Prophets for our time. We’re to warn the
sinful Israelite nations that the Holocaust was only a preview of
what’s to come! The Holocaust punished some and persecuted
others. Many different groups and organizations (for better and for
worse) have helped to restore Israel’s identity. But Herbert W.
Armstrong was the most influential, through his inspiring book The
United States and Britain in Prophecy,
as God ordained (Isa. 49:6).
How else could we go with the Gospel to the “lost sheep of the House
of Israel” unless God directed us? How could we warn about the
imminent “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” unless God sent us?

Many professing-Christian ministries today are lost in their own
little religious worlds (Ezek 34:4-5). They still don’t know or care
who Israel is or reject our identity (yet express great interest in our Jewish
brethren), although God expects His shepherds to help remind Israel
of our biblical roots and responsibilities and regather them as “One
Nation under God,” a truly “United Kingdom” (Ezek.37: 22). It
appears that they’re happy believing they’re Gentiles (with their
counterfeit Christianity) and don’t want to return to biblical ways
and days, preferring their perverted scatter-brain traditions (2 Chron.
30:10, Hos. 1:9).

Early Warning System

Although we can’t know the exact time or date of World War III,
we can know when it’s very near! Jesus taught that the end time
would be very similar to Noah’s time and how it was in Sodom and
Gomorrah. Didn’t Noah know what was about to happen? Wasn’t
Lot warned about imminent destruction? YES! Biblical precedent
provides the proof that God’s People won’t be left without a clue
(Amos 3:7).

God’s Church, His called-out ones (drafted to be delightfully
different and wonderfully weird, living “ahead of our time”), are
called Children of Light (1 Pet. 4:4, 1 Thes. 5:1-6). We haven’t been
left in the dark, in stark contrast to those around us who know the
latest weather report but miss the significance of the times. Too
many remain oblivious (Matt. 16:2-3) to the fact that a EUROPEAN
STORM IS BREWING! Many won’t realize it until its HIT HOME
and they’re devastated!

There’s precious little time left to help sound the alarm and let the
sirens go off! We’re supposed to serve as God’s EARLY
WARNING SYSTEM (Jer. 44:4). From the Watchtower of Faith
we’re able to see what’s on the horizon and pick up on our spiritual
radar screen the clear and present danger Europe presents. We know
what’s going to happen, based upon biblical facts, and declare it with
confidence (Rom. 4:17).

If we don’t help warn the world, giving everybody a chance to
escape, we’ll be held accountable for their deaths (Ezek. 3:18).
Isaiah 42:19 warns about God’s servant going blind and His
messenger going deaf. Isaiah 56:10 rebukes blind watchman and
dumb watchdogs that don’t know how to bark and are asleep on the
job. Obviously God didn’t “hire” them that way!

This is so serious that God must warn us about it (and you’re
being warned right now), because apparently many won’t pass this
part of our Christian test, deserting our posts, and running like Jonah!
Such Christian-doves will get swallowed up in the belly of the Beast!
There’s nothing new under the Sun: just as Jesus’ closest friends fell
asleep just before His trial and crucifixion, it appears some will nod
off just before our Church and nations are scourged.

An important part of Jesus’ teachings— relevant to this
generation—are the WARNING SIGNS of what’s about to strike
(Luke 21:36), so everyone can prayerfully watch and seek shelter
before it’s too late. But we’re to share His survival course with others
so they can know what to look for and expect and how to receive
around-the-clock protection by trusting in Him. We can help save
lives and prepare people for what’s just ahead (Jude 23), whether it’s
World War III or the Lake of Fire.

Signs reveal what direction we’re heading and how close we’re
getting to that destination. We’re to share our God-given light of
understanding with the world that they may be warned. That is our
solemn privilege and responsibility. How nations or individuals
respond is not our responsibility, it is between God and them.
Ezekiel’s warning message is the same as Jesus’ and Paul’s:
repent or face God’s judgment. Likewise, Revelation’s message is to
repent of such things as murder, occult practices, immorality,
idolatry, etc. and begin to obey God’s commandments and hang on
for dear life to Jesus’ teachings (in attitude and actions, in word and
in works). However, God has decreed that His final warning to the
world before the Storm breaks should be directed to His People
Israel, now identified as prophesied, and that it should include
exposing the European Beast as a satanic system opposed to God’s
saints and government.

IF God preferred that we stuck to a general message of salvation
rather than to warn about a specific POLITICO-RELIGIOUS
POWER rising in Europe, then He wouldn’t have given us such
inspired details in the Bible! Those who think otherwise are vainly
dismissing the Prophets and Revelation as unnecessary! They think
they’re so smart but actually they’re fools (Rom. 1:22 Job 38:2).
God knows what He’s doing. Anyone can preach a generic message,
but only the Children of Light can understand the fine print in God’s
Word and reveal His Secrets to mankind.

All the magicians put together, in the times of Joseph and Daniel,
couldn’t provide the right answer to the questions of their day (Gen
41, Dan. 2:30), yet those two witnesses gave God the glory and
revealed information that could only come from God. Likewise, God
expects us to share HIS DIVINE REVELATION (Isa. 48:6). This
deeper understanding and special relationship with God and His
Word ought to be evident to outsiders as something truly unique
(Deut. 4:6-7 John 15:15).

May God’s Church share all the teachings of Jesus with
everyone. Those priceless teachings about the Kingdom of God,
faith and forgiveness, also warn about frightening events that’ll
signal the end of this age and help usher in the Wonderful World

May we faithfully explain the spiritual significance of today’s
bad news (through the light of biblical prophecy) and emphasize the
GOOD NEWS that we have a Savior from sin and a Deliverer from

Don’t compromise God’s message to appease us—that’s not
love. Challenge our conventional thinking. Get us good and angry.
You might save us! We need our sins clearly defined and spelled out,
because we wouldn’t guess the half of them. They’ve been
whitewashed. The Enemy has cleverly embedded them in religion.
He knows that’s the last place most people would look. But religion
is a big part of our downfall!

God hasn’t written us off—yet. For the most part, God’s been
letting us stumble on in our own ways, and simply pay the price and
exact the natural consequences of our actions (Jer. 2:19). God hasn’t
intervened (as a general rule), but has basically followed a hands-off
policy. But God is now taking an active interest in our affairs, and
with decisive action has brought our Israelite nations into

God charges us with constant violations, and presents our
mounting infractions as evidence against us. We’re now required to
act upon what God’s revealing and make due restitution. We’re now
obligated, as never before, to change or stand corrected. We’re now
held accountable for what we know (unable to claim ignorance), and
are henceforth responsible for all that we choose to do (John 15:22).
God’s making His SENTENCE known! We can try and ignore it,
but it won’t go away. We’re free to reject it and return to our old ways
of thinking but God has graciously warned us to avoid those
“condemned buildings.” He doesn’t want anybody trapped inside (2
Kgs. 10:23, 2 Pet. 3:9).

Our PROBATION is intended to give us the necessary time to
prove that we’ve changed course, that we want what’s right—it’s not
a written excuse to continue in wrongdoing (Gen. 19:17). Pardon isn’t
permission. Mercy is an opportunity. God doesn’t excuse those who would
abuse this grace period (Rom. 2:4).

We can’t keep living a lie once God’s shown us the truth. We’re
WITHOUT EXCUSE. God’s stripping away every distortion and
wants the facts to speak for themselves. We can’t honestly disagree
with God’s words or reasonably argue against His wisdom (Acts

An Unholy Trinity

Atheists and agnostics, due to an ignorant “intellectualism” that
has closed their minds to common sense, have arrogantly attempted
to deny the Creator’s existence. They’ve foolishly rejected the facts
of nature for the superstition of vain theories (Rom. 1:22). They’re
deceived, having devoured the forbidden fruit that promised them a
“higher education” (Gen. 3:5). They’ve simply been brainwashed—
blinded by a stubborn pride and ensnared by ego.

The scientific community (those members who reject
supernatural evidence) have taken advantage of the respect society
has shown them. They’ve abused their authoritative positions to
preach belief in their unholy trinity: evolution, humanism, and
ethical relativism. Those illegitimate children (of Einstein’s theory
of relativity) deny God’s existence, insist that there aren’t any
absolutes, and consequently judge everything by human standards (1
Tim. 6:20, Rom. 1:18-20).

But they’ve got it all wrong! They’re still searching for the
“missing link” to confirm their faith! They know they’re “not all
there.” They’re incomplete without that conclusive proof. But
they’re looking in the wrong direction. We’re to look up to God and
consider our awesome potential (Ps. 8). Prisoners of the past, their
fossilized minds are oblivious to our Link with the future.
Man’s connection with animals is basic: we’re both made of
matter (Gen. 2:7, 19). But man’s relationship with God offers
unlimited opportunities! Christ is the Missing Link (Gen. 28:12).
Not between man and animals, but between God and man. He
enables us to rise above ourselves, partake of the divine nature, and
anticipate our transformation into glorious spirit (1 Cor. 15:49-53).
Human beings, through the purifying process of conversion (Ps.
82:6), become God-Beings! Mortals made immortal—not through
evolution, but by a resurrection!

Scientists are welcome in God’s Kingdom also. They’re not the
only ones who’ve been confused about their “calling.”
Unfortunately, religious superstitions (and scandals) have been a
stumbling block to atheists, and have prejudiced their minds against
all religion. That pitiful fact doesn’t justify narrow-minded men, but
it helps us to understand some of their concerns.

Catholics and Protestants

What about TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANITY? Has it escaped
from Satan’s clutches? Avoided his international deception? Are we
hesitant, even fearful, to slaughter that sacred cow? The golden calf
(of cherished beliefs) must also go through God’s fire to test its
authenticity. Will it hold up? God commands us to “PROVE ALL
THINGS” (1 Thes. 5:21). It’s a lifelong process of refining.

Haven’t most of us taken our doctrines for granted? Trusted our
Church leaders to tell us the truth? Didn’t the entire Protestant
movement result from a serious cross-examination of their Catholic
mother? Did they find everything in order or disarray? Could the
Protestant groups also be wrong? Is it impossible for them to be filled
with error and deceit? Shouldn’t we check it out? Don’t we owe it to
others and ourselves? We’ve nothing to lose and salvation to gain!
Let’s dare open our eyes to see such “time-honored” traditions for
what they are (Acts 17:11). But first let’s examine the record of
ancient Israel, “the Church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38).

God had repeatedly warned Israel to beware the Gentile influence
about them. Moses stressed the importance of not underestimating
the religious pull of the pagans and exhorted Jacob to resist their evil
and steer clear of Canaan’s customs.

Nevertheless, Israel became polluted by too close of contact with
the ways of this world, and subverted from within by that “mixed
multitude” that had followed them out of Egypt. Obviously, too
many had only physically left Egypt, but secretly, in their hearts and
minds, remained behind (Acts 7:39).

God jolted Israel when He rejected their religion (as it had
become) and forced them to face reality: they were fired! God’s
“Private Tutor”—trained to help mankind—had quit going by the
Book! Their lesson-plan, trying to receive accreditation from others,
began to include more human ideas, at the expense of God’s truth.

Jacob lost his credentials, forgot his background material, and
neglected his own education.

Much to their DISBELIEF and ANGER, God exposed Israel as
steeped in pagan superstition. That embarrassing revelation wasn’t
well received. The fact that God branded their worship as
unacceptable was especially hard to swallow. He rejected it as an
unfit mixture. They had forced desegregation integrating paganism
with God’s truth. God condemns such diluted worship, regardless of
motives (Deut. 12:30).

Deaf, Dumb and Blind!

Israel had smugly come to view herself as rather advanced,
superior in culture and civilization, which they were—as long as
they obeyed God (Rom. 2:17). But they were blind to their true
spiritual condition. They were ignorant that beneath the glitter and
glamour of success, sin was eating away at their nation’s very
foundations (Amos 6:1-8).

As Isaiah lamented, “Who is blind but My servant, or deaf as my
messenger…?” (Isa. 42:19). How unfortunate, but true, that God’s
Church and nation throughout history, have suffered from various
BLIND SPOTS. We know so much, and yet so little!

Patriotic prophets urged Israel to forsake men’s traditions for
God’s commandments (2 Kgs. 17:13). Usually, such stirring appeals
to return to the law and covenant of God (our true Constitution) fell
upon deaf ears. Everybody was content with the status quo: if it was
good enough for others, it was good enough for them, but it wasn’t
good enough for God!

Israel didn’t want their boat rocked. They wanted to remain deaf,
dumb and blind! They were happy with their national holidays,
family traditions and childhood memories: so they were irritated
with God’s people and attacked His message. They carried on in their
stubborn ways, until they were carried away (Ezek. 6:9), carted off
like cattle into foreign lands!

Ancient Israel’s example proves it’s not only possible but
probable, for individuals and entire nations to become deceived!
Israel’s religion was meaningless. They were only going through the
motions. As far as God was concerned their worship was worthless.
He didn’t want anything to do with it. God hated their dead faith and
despised their hypocritical hymn singing (Amos 5:21-23). Since they
refused to lose their old-time religion to find God, they lost their land
and found themselves in exile (Jer. 9:13-14).

God’s intense hatred for religious sin still burns, and His stiff
sentences against pagan blends (destined to go up in smoke) remains
in effect (Rev. 19:3). Just because some of these things might not
seem all that important to us, doesn’t mean they’re not serious to
God. After all, from His vantage point He can see things more clearly
and keep them in focus. He’s in a better position to put things in
perspective. The Bible shares God’s views, if we wonder how He
looks at any particular subject (Isa. 55:8-9).

If and when we’re not in harmony with the law and order of God’s
universe, or out of sync with some scripture, we’re encouraged to
have an attitude adjustment and/or religious alignment (Acts 3:19-
21). We’re freely offered, on a daily basis, to have our biblical
balance restored and our spiritual senses recharged (Isa. 55:1).

The Plain Truth

God intended for Israel to preserve His law in its purest form.
They were instructed to be intolerant towards any tampering with the
Torah, and thereby safeguard themselves against deception. This
preventive measure would keep its simple (though profound)
precepts from becoming complex, its original intent from becoming
obscured, its statutes from becoming suppressed or twisted to the
confusion of Israel’s citizens. God hasn’t budged on this issue either
(Deut. 12:32).

God condemns those ignorant scholars or “editors” (Malachi
2:12) who attempt to alter or delete any of the material found within
His Instruction Manual for mankind. There’s no such thing as
“higher criticism”—except in vain imaginations (Isa. 40:13).
We’re to embrace the basic foundational doctrines that are
clearly evident in Scripture. God doesn’t require everyone to master
degrees to understand His Word (1 Cor. 2:10), but does command us
all to stick close to the trunk of the tree and reject anything that
contradicts sound teaching (Isa. 8:20). That’s the surest way to avoid
innumerable interpretations, religious confusion, and ultimate
deception (Prov. 16:25). Those rebels who reject GOD’S PLAIN
TRUTH for their own vague “understanding” are misleading others.
They’re looking at things from a “different angle” all right—they’re
seeing things through the serpent’s eyes!

God decrees the death penalty for treacherous pastor generals
(who wage war against truth), for false apostles (sent by Satan), and
lying ministers (who betray Christ). Satan deceives the entire
religious world by misrepresenting God! Satan the Devil means,
“The Enemy who slanders.” And too many have believed his “white

God understands the inability of some to comprehend that it’s
actually possible to be “religious” for nothing. That explains the
reason why God has recorded many biblical cases to state His utter
contempt for various religious practices.

Israel’s rejection of truth for tradition resulted in their
DEPORTATION AND DEATH—reminiscent of Adam and Eve.
Such bitter experiences are supposed to teach and help us to learn
from others mistakes.

Would God allow a WAR to disturb our peace? Let something
drastic happen to shake us to our senses? Threaten Rome’s revival
and Israel’s downfall if we remain complacent in our customs?

Torn Between Two Lovers

Speaking of our religious ancestors, God says, “Did you offer Me
slaughtered animals and sacrifices during forty years in the
wilderness, O House of Israel? You also took up the tabernacle of
Moloch, and the [”Jewish?”] star of your god Remphan, [icons]
which you made to worship and I will carry you away beyond
Babylon” (Acts 7:42-43).

Israel was trying to live in sin and stay married to God at the same
time. They were torn between two lovers. They had agreed to a
monogamous relationship, but now they wanted the best of both
worlds. However, God made it clear from the beginning that He
wouldn’t settle for an “open relationship.” It was all or nothing!
(Deut. 6:5).

Joshua had to deal with this issue of half-hearted love and divided
devotion. Elijah had to tell us to make up our minds. Jesus said you
can’t serve two masters—it only leads to confusion! And yet
traditional Christianity, every holiday season (Isa. 52:11), continues
to mix and match PAGAN customs with biblical truths! Why TAINT
the truth?

Israel was toting around idols while claiming to love God. If they
would’ve believed the Bible verses against idolatry, they could’ve
gotten rid of their excess baggage and lightened their load.
Evidently, they were like Catholics today who justify their icons, and
Protestants who hang on to their mental images and idolatrous
pictures of a longhaired, sleepy Jesus! Both interfere with the
worship of the true God who condemns attempts to make Him
visible before Christ’s Coming! We’re to walk by faith, not sight

The first commandment deals with coming to a proper
understanding of WHO AND WHAT GOD IS. Obviously, this
remains a mystery to most since they continue to expose their
ignorance by breaking the second commandment!

Remember the golden calf incident? They were so close to the
truth (Mt. Sinai), and yet so far away! They brazenly declared: “This
is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt…” and
Aaron pontificated, and said, “Tomorrow is a feast to the LORD”
(Ex. 32:4-5).

Spineless Ministers

While Moses was away, Aaron, who had withstood mighty
pharaoh, now gave in to Israel’s demands and constructed their
golden calf! Meanwhile, God was instructing Moses to appoint
Aaron as high priest, and yet here he was following the crowd! How
many ministers today go along with trends they know aren’t right?
And sanction sin by their silence? They’re more afraid of their
congregations than the judgment of God!

Was Israel’s homage acceptable to the true God? The One who
really freed them? Did He simply dismiss all their religious
celebrations as “harmless?” Does God accept worship today that’s
done “in His Name”—even if the holidays are invented by apostate

God thunders the answer: “I HATE, I DESPISE YOUR FEAST
DAYS…” (Amos 5:21). Pretty strong words from a God who knows
what He wants and refuses to settle for less (John 4:23). The biblical
God doesn’t leave any doubt as to where He stands. He’s not some
poor, confused, weak deity who’ll take whatever type of worship He
can get. The Creator God is ALMIGHTY—with a strong mind and
character. It’s His Way or not at all. He’s described as a JEALOUS
GOD who wants our full attention (Rev. 3:15-16). Is this the kind of
God you know and serve?

Israel just barely survived their “near-death experience.” Mt.
Sinai almost became “Hamburger Hill!” God had enough and was
ready to destroy them (with their religious bull) and start over again!
Thankfully, even though some heads rolled, God accepted Moses’
merciful intervention on their behalf.

God didn’t let up against Israel’s traditional way of doing things
because He didn’t enjoy watching them die. God didn’t want to see
them prolong their misery. He told them (day in and day out) they
were killing themselves with their religious habits, and encouraged
them to return to their roots, come back to life, and remember the
faith once delivered (Ezek. 20:18-20). But Israel didn’t want to kick
their habit or break their addiction to deception. They enjoyed sin’s
pleasures—until it finally caught up with them!

Israel was supposed to follow God’s ways, do what’s right in His
eyes, and trash the empty traditions of men. In fact, all the Gentile
religions are based upon human imagination. But God called Israel
to be different, to rise above misguided human reasoning and
embrace divine revelation. The precious possession of God’s truth is
what separated Israel from all of the others. God’s unique revelation
and intervention in Israel’s affairs is what sanctified them (Deut.
4:32-35). Only the truth—as opposed to human fables—is what set
Israel apart as special (John 17:17).

Religious Wrongdoing

Besides Israel’s sedition at Mt. Sinai, there’s the story about a
misguided man from Mt. Ephraim, named Micah. He actually stole
some silver from his mother to make an idol to “worship” God!
(Judges 17:1-6). How can the true God—who forbids stealing,
dishonoring parents and idolatry—accept such devotions? He
doesn’t! How blind can you get? Yet to this day, the majority of
people continue to break God’s clear commands to do their own
religious thing.

Other worship that was worthless and condemned by God: evil
Cain’s sacrifice wasn’t accepted, but despised; Nadab and Abihu
(Aaron’s sons), top-ranking ministers in the Tabernacle, attempted
to modify God’s religious rules, “so fire went out from the LORD
and devoured them, and they died before the LORD” (Lev. 10:2);
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram insisted on “serving” God as self-
appointed priests, “and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed
them up… and they perished from among the assembly” (Numbers
16:32-33). Later Israel participated in pagan sexual rites—as
seduced by that sorcerer, Baalam, the father/founder of “Interfaith,
Inc.”—and God plagued them for their spiritual promiscuity: “And
those who died in the plague were twenty-four thousand” (Numbers

Remember: all of these bankrupt accounts, and more, were
dutifully recorded for our sakes. Many have died “in the faith”—a
false faith! Therefore, even if we think we’re standing on some pretty
solid ground, we’d better check again! It’s better safe than sorry.
Why fall for the same old deadly sins? (1 Cor. 10:11-12).
Are you doing your own thing or what God says to do? When you
serve God, in accordance to His commandments, it makes all the
difference in the world. Will you enjoy a truly successful life or
simply endure your mortal existence? Will you share in God’s
blessing or put yourself under a curse?

Stay on Course

We’re not left to go it alone in this life. We don’t need to stumble
into unknown territory. God—through Christ—has been there
before. He knows the way. He can lead us through. He’s already
made it! In fact, God even offers us a map to avoid the pitfalls. If we
properly follow it we’ll know what to expect, and can be on guard
against getting lost when the going gets tough. So why not take God
at His Word? Why let would-be guides take you off the track with
their traditions? (Matt. 15:14).

Only God has the prerogative to set standards. Why don’t we
believe that He means what He says, and says what He means? We
don’t need to second-guess Him. He’s quite clear. But do we really
want to understand or just play stupid? God’s true people have
always been taught to practice discrimination. Yes, to know and
make a difference between right and wrong, good and evil (Ezek.
44:23). And all based upon the black and white of the Bible.

God condemns those who would confuse the issues and
complicate the simplicity that’s in Christ (Isa. 5:20). After all,
that’s where Eve went wrong (2 Cor. 11:3). As God’s children, we’re
expected to question everything and consider its spiritual source (1
John 4:1). What’s there to hide? You shouldn’t be afraid of truth, you
should beware of error! Look into your religion deeply. Prove to
yourself if it squares with the scriptures or not (1 Thes. 5:21).

NEVER allow yourself to become a LOBOTOMIZED LAY-
MEMBER! Don’t leave your mind at the door and quietly accept
spoon-fed doctrines, or get beaten into submission by fear of
ridicule, rejection, and/or questioned motivation (1 Sam. 17:29).
Your salvation is a legitimate concern! Don’t entrust it to others
(Philip. 2:12). Think for yourself! Don’t fall for those ministers who
only want to lord it over you (1 Pet. 5:3). Make sure you’re following
Jesus Christ and not some man.

Remember Your Roots!

After Moses’ death, Israel got away from the ORIGINAL
RELIGION God had given them. Moses warned them they would.
They had even begun to get that restless liberal spirit when he was
alive. Joshua blocked attempts to alter “Church doctrine” for awhile,
by remaining faithful to the MOSAIC LAWS (that were really God’s
laws), but too many, surrounded by wrong influences, chose to be led
astray by “new truths.”

Once Israel rejected their anchor, making reference to Moses’
stand on matters less frequently, they just drifted further away. When
they distanced themselves from God’s clear “Fountain of Life”—for
muddled beliefs that couldn’t hold water (Jer. 2:13)—they forfeited
their future and sentenced themselves to death.

God wants to set two things straight: 1. He refers to Moses as His
servant, present tense, and we’d better not forget it (Malachi 4:4-5).
He orders us to get back to the basics. How? By remembering what
we’ve been taught and shamefully let slip: Moses’ inspired words
and works! Though Moses is dead, God’s truth we received from
him, as well as his blessed memory, ought to be very much alive. 2.
God also tells us to expect Elijah’s prophetic work to set things back
on track restoring God’s tattered truths, and building up Moses’
reputation again. We love and honor God to the degree we’re
receptive to His servants. Is Moses’ influence, who foreshadowed
Christ, evident in our lives?

Kosher Food for Thought

We’ve seen how Israel thought they were pretty good, a fairly
religious folk, pleasing to God. But God rejected their rituals, was
weary of their ways, and tired of their traditions! They left God’s
input out of their religion and forgot His servants! But what about
today? What about our “Christian countries?” Is Israel really a
Jewish State? Or a Gentilized state of Jews? There is a difference!
Are we left to our own devices, our personal preferences, the
“Church or synagogue of your choice” mentality? Or does God have
something to say to us also?

Meir Kahane, former Israeli Parliament member, rabbi and
author of Uncomfortable Questions for Comfortable Jews, was to the
Jewish establishment what Herbert W. Armstrong was to traditional
Christianity: an irritating “prophet” who spoke the plain truth! If
Israel had only listened to him they wouldn’t be staring death in the
face today (Dan. 9:11). I was living at Kibbutz Shoval in Israel’s
Negev desert, beautifying the grounds, when I heard that he had been
murdered in New York by another Arab terrorist. When his funeral
took place in Jerusalem, I was honored to attend with tens of
thousands of others to show solidarity with what he boldly taught—
and as a blond, stood out in the Black Sea of Haredim on tv.

Is the modern Church or synagogue really any different from that
carnal “Church in the wilderness?” And if so, then why does God
warn us to run for our lives, to get as far away as possible from certain
practices He promises to plague? (Rev. 18:4). And why does He
expose those bastard beliefs as “baptized paganism?” (Rev. 17:5).

Counterfeit Christians

Didn’t Jesus say that the MAJORITY of ministers, all claiming to
represent Christ and preaching by His authority, would mislead their
members? (Matt. 24:5). Didn’t the apostle Paul warn about being
blinded by high-ranking theologians, respected Church fathers, and
other religious authorities? And that he wasn’t surprised that such
“spiritual luminaries” were actually inspired by Satan? Are you
surprised (2 Cor. 11:13-15)? Do you think it couldn’t happen?

Weren’t we warned of a GREAT APOSTASY (2 Thes. 2:3)—to
occur in God’s own Church—which would result in a counterfeit
Christ, another gospel (2 Cor. 11:3-4), and a different spirit? Are you
of the spirit (1 John 4:6) of truth or error? How do you know? Are you
assuming you’ve been taught the truth? Can you prove it from the
Bible? Have you seriously checked it out?

History records wolves in sheep’s clothing infiltrated the Church,
introduced pagan ideas, and welcomed hordes of “converts” who
further corrupted the composition of the Church (Acts 20:29).
Embattled members of God’s true Church (Lev. 24:2), particularly
John, Paul and Jude, stood as the vanguard against Satan’s attack.
They urgently exposed error, warned repentance, and exhorted the
faithful to hold out, confident in Christ’s Coming and judgment
(Jude 3-4, 2 Thes. 1:8).

So what about today? Quite bluntly, we find a rebel church full
of liars, far removed from its biblical bearings, docked at Babylon!
They say they know God, and yet they repeat the lie that the “law’s
been done away” (1 John 2:4). They’ve got people believing they’re
“free” to do as they please, it’s all “grace” now (Jer. 7:8-10). They’re
hostile to God’s law (Isa. 30:9-10), and just like their father, Satan,
don’t want anything to do with obedience. Christ isn’t their Lord!
Traditional Christianity has done its own thing. They’ve been
busy at Babylon, where they’ve begged, borrowed and stolen
different wares from the pagan bazaar (Neh. 13:20-21). Meanwhile,
true Christians decry these attempts to adopt demonic doctrines (1
Tim. 4:1), and consequently often endanger their lives!

Few realize the titanic struggle that’s taken place for control of
the Church (Jude 9). The forces of good and evil have battled in every
generation (Ephes. 6:12), but Christ promised that His “little flock”
—though often battered—would not be beaten (Heb. 11:36-38). Our
victory is assured! (1 John 4:4).

Jewish Lawyers

God’s Church foundation was to be based upon the apostolic
bedrock, with Christ as the cornerstone, headquartered in
JERUSALEM, the future capital of God’s government (Ephes.

Jesus’ Jewish apostles, authorized by God, were the true Church-
fathers, and as such, were experts in “Constitutional law,” qualified
to biblically settle disputes and set guidelines (Acts 15:2).
Counterfeit “Church-fathers,” Gentiles, based in Rome (whose
appropriate symbol is the wolf)—without any biblical background—
were products of their pagan environment and subject to demonic
influence (Acts 8:9).

Consequently, their diseased minds infected “Christ’s Body,” the
Church, with cancerous concepts (that contradicted scripture), and
weakened the defense of those who dared resist such chronic
changes (Col. 2:8). Both Polycarp and Polycrates held on for dear
life to those priceless teachings passed down from Jerusalem (2
Thes. 2:15). They struggled, to no avail in the West, to stem the flow
of the Church’s life-blood.

This deteriorating condition caused many to lose consciousness
of the foundational doctrines, and instead receive a delirious
infusion of “new and improved” ideas (Ezek. 20:24-25). Those
guilty of doctoring God’s law are warned of an unprecedented
malpractice suit! (Jas. 3:1).

God’s strict building codes command compliance. Everything’s
to be built upon the biblical basis (1 Cor. 3:10-17). The traditional
way (Acts 17:30) of doing things is out! Any contractor—self-
employed or commissioned—will be held accountable for any faulty
workmanship, shoddy performance, or substandard measures (Ezek.
22:28). Does your church hold up or is it falling apart?

Religious confusion (leftovers from that early clash between
God’s commandments and men’s ideas) is still evident today (1 Cor.
14:33). God’s sheep remain scattered, wandering in their
bewilderment splintered into sects and divided into different
denominations and warring factions (1 Cor. 1:13). God holds the
shepherds, the religious leaders, largely responsible for allowing
error to creep into the Church, but the lay-members share some
blame too (Isa. 9:16). All of us must change and get with it!

Biblical Conclusions

How did Jesus’ disciples figure out He was the Messiah? Did they
run and get approval from their synagogue rulers and chief rabbis?
Do you think the Jewish establishment would’ve spoken highly of
Jesus? Wouldn’t they have spoken against Christ? Branded him as a
dissident (John 7:43)? Warned their synagogue members that Jesus
was a false prophet, out to get a following for himself, and to avoid
him? To ignore his cult teachings—or get excommunicated? (John

Jesus is very pleased when we check out our leaders (Rev. 2:2).
He doesn’t condemn us for putting our pastors to the test (1 John 4:1),
but commends us for trying the scriptural slipper on them (Ephes.

How do we know if our pastor general, our leading ministers, or
those appointed by them are kosher or not? Do we go and ask them?
Wouldn’t that be pretty stupid? Should we just take their word for it?
Should we let them think for us? Is it biblical for them to tell us not
to even hear someone out or read their literature? Isn’t that mind-
control? Hasn’t God given you a brain? Use it or you’ll lose it!

We’re to CONSULT CHRIST. He’s the Word of God. We’re to
familiarize ourselves with God’s Word, by reading it daily, to
KNOW whether someone’s teachings are in agreement with it or not
(Acts 17:11). We don’t need anyone to contradict what God’s
personally taught us by His Spirit of truth (1 John 2:27). How could
John make the statement—”If anyone comes to you and does not
bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet
him…” (2 John 10)—unless he knew God’s people were studying the
scriptures and proving whether various individuals and ministries
were of God?

What if the brethren didn’t allow Paul to clear his name? (Acts
9:27). Hadn’t heard him out? Didn’t take the time to see what he was
doing? They would’ve NEVER been able to recognize him as family
and embrace Christ in him (Ga. 2:9). In Paul’s case, a leading
minister (Barnabas) did accept his conversion as real—a topic of
controversy at the time—and presented his case before the Church.
The leaders examined the new evidence surrounding Paul and
verified his innocence before the doubting Church.

It becomes common knowledge, after awhile, what the basic
beliefs are of different groups. We don’t need “headquarters” to tell
us who’s right and who’s wrong, when they’re the only ones who’ve
examined any “dissident literature.” During Paul’s “trial” the whole
Church knew his history and conversion—the good, the bad, and the
ugly! It wasn’t hearsay: he was on public record.

Christ Unwelcome?

If something’s suspect, ask questions. Don’t stay in the dark!
Expect biblically sound answers. If you get a run-around instead, or
weak excuses, you had better determine if God’s glory has left your
church. Don’t accept general accusations against others, or go along
sheepishly for a pat on the head. Beware powerful personality cults that can
easily disfellowship true Christians (3 John 9-10)! It happened before,
why couldn’t it happen again? Only follow ministers who go by the
Bible and do as Jesus did.

Where’s it written that Church leaders must repent? Where’s
Christ promised to force their conversion? NOWHERE! Jesus tells
them to get with it or He’ll leave (Rev. 2:5). He doesn’t stick around
where He’s not welcome. He’ll simply raise up another organization.
God’s Holy Spirit isn’t bound by any membership list!

Too often Christ is on the outside looking in (Rev. 3:20). Jesus
evens threatens to turn against those within the Church who’ve
turned against Him, betraying the truth (Rev. 2:16). He’ll kill those
who still won’t repent! (Rev. 2:23). Christ’s surprise inspection will
catch some Christians off guard (Rev. 3:3), and others will have to be
purged from His Body of believers (Rev. 3:16). It makes you wonder:
if God’s people just barely make it, where does that leave the rest? (1
Pet. 4:18).

The Church isn’t immune from false doctrines, and its leaders
aren’t infallible. God wants to see whether we’ll follow Him or
blindly follow men. We need to follow Christ wherever He might go.
If He removes His Light of understanding, His candlestick and Holy
Spirit, from one organization to another—we must be willing to pick
up and go. Israel had to change locations many times before they
reached the Promised Land. But too many are comfortably deceived
and disobeying God to remain faithful to their organization and loyal
to a man! What about you?

If we don’t want to stand up for the Truth, God will let us fall for
Satan’s lies. It’s our option. It’s your choice. However, the merciful
or suffer the consequences (Rev. 18:4). It’s a test command: those
who truly are God’s people will respond to this call and FORSAKE

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